janvier 17, 2024

Policy Brief 13 (Violent Extremism in Burkina Faso: Examining Responses From The State Defence And Civil Self Defence)

mai 22, 2017

The Economics of Militancy and Islamic Extremism in the Sahel. In: Political Stability and Security in West and North Africa: Highlights from the Conference. s.l.: Canada Security Intelligence Service, pp. 95-99. Edu Afful, F., 2014. ECOWAS Experience. In: International Seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution. Islamabad: National University of Sciences and Technology, pp. 54-60. [Online]

mai 22, 2017

Potential New Hotspots for Extremism and Opportunities to Mitigate the Danger: The Case of the Sahel. In: Africa South of the Sahara. London: Routledge.

mars 28, 2017

Islamic Radicalization and Violence in Liberia. Conflict, Security and Development Journal, XIII(2), pp. 191-208 (with Alao, A.).

mars 28, 2017

Islamic Radicalization and Violence in Ghana. Conflict, Security and Development Journal, XIII(2), pp. 149-167.