mai 18, 2017

Security Sector Governance in Liberia. In: A. R. Mustapha, ed. Conflict and Security Governance in West Africa. Abuja: Malthouse & CLEEN Foundation, p. 57-78.

mai 8, 2017

Guinea Bissau. In: L.R. Cleary, A.M. Dorman & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon-Scanning 2015 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

mai 6, 2017

Resurrecting the Police Council in Ghana. In: A. Bryden & F. Chappuis, eds. Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 32-51.

mai 6, 2017

Liberia. In: L. R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

mai 6, 2017

Ghana. In: L.R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.