mai 23, 2018

Balancing External Support with Domestic Imperatives in Security and Justice Sector Reform.In: Sustaining Peace: what Work’s, August, Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development. Stockholm: SIPRI, pp. 47-51.

juin 1, 2017

An Assessment Report on Security Sector Reform in Liberia, Monrovia: Governance Reform Commission of Liberia.

mai 22, 2017

Liberia: Parliamentary Oversight and Lessons Learned from Internationalized Security Sector Reform. New York: Centre on International Cooperation.

mai 22, 2017

Liberia. In: A. Bryden, B. N’Diaye & F. Olonisakin, eds. Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa . Berlin, Munster, Wien, Zurich & London : LIT Verlag, pp. 169-184. (Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF))

mai 22, 2017

Consolidating Regional Security: Security Sector Reform and Beyond. In: T. Jaye, D. Garuba & S. Amadi, eds. ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building. Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 195-208.