mai 2, 2017

ECOWAS and Conflict Prevention in West Africa: Confronting the Triple Threats. New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University (with Bah, S.A.).

mars 29, 2017

Japan-Africa Relations: Applying the Asian Development Experience to Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Cornell University Institute for African Development Occasional Paper Series, Issue 14 (with Osei-Hwedie, B.Z.).

mars 29, 2017

Envisioning a Future African Union: Exploring Collaborative Ventures with the EU & the UN. In: R. Sharamo & C. Ayagafac, eds. The State of Human Security in Africa: An Assessment of Institutional Preparedness. Pretoria: ISS Monograph 185.

mars 28, 2017

The Ivorian Crisis: A Challenge to the ECOWAS Regional Security Mechanism. Pan-African Post, I(3).

mars 28, 2017

Lessons from the Death of A Tunisian Salesman. African Security Review, XX(2), pp. 78-84.