mai 18, 2017

Negotiating the Pitfalls of Peace and Security in Africa and A New American Grand Strategy: African Union Peace and Security Architecture and the U.S. Africa Command. In: V. C. Franke & R. H. Dorff, eds. Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: Pillars of A New American Grand Strategy. Pennsylvania: United States Army War College Press, pp. 339-368.

mai 18, 2017

Challenges and Opportunities for the AU’s Peace and Security Council: A Critical Reflection from a Regime Analytical Perspective. In: U. Engel & J. G. Porto, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddednes, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey; Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 209-226.

mai 10, 2017

Searching for Relevance: Culture and Social Work Education in Africa. In: C. A. Sottie, M. Dako-Gyeke & R. J. Walls, eds. Social Work in a Changing World: Issues and Prospects. Accra: Woeli Publishing.

mai 10, 2017

Managing African Security and Change in the Age of Neoliberalism. In: N. Poku, ed. Africa in the Age of Neoliberalism-Politics and Change since 1980. London: Ashgate.

mai 6, 2017

Enhancing the Operationalisation of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework: A Study on the State-Level Awareness of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia and Ghana). French