Search Publications

‘Interrogating the Northern Problem’: Postcolony, Identity and Political (In)Stability in Cote d’Ivoire and Togo. In: S. J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & B. Mhlanga, eds. Bondage of Boundaries and Identity Politics in Postcolonial Africa: The ‘Northern Problem’ and Ethno-Futures. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, pp. 100-116.

Author: Aning K. & Salihu N.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


‘Love in a Time of Crisis? Terrorism, ‘Brides’ and the Implementation of UNSCR 2242





‘Love in a Time of Crisis? Terrorism, ‘Brides’ and the Implementation of UNSCR 2242 – Revised Edition

Author: Nti N. B.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Terrorism, Violent Extremism


1325 and Policing in West Africa: Interrogating the Sierra Leonean Case.

Author: Edu- Afful F.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Policing


A Case Study of Ghana. In: C. Kavanagh, ed. Getting Smart and Scaling Up: Responding to the Impact of Organized Crime of Governance in Developing Countries. New York: New York University Center on International Cooperation, pp. 97-134 (with Kwarkye, S.B.).

Author: Aning K. & Pokoo J. M.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Accountability for Intervention: Negotiating Civilian Protection Dilemmas with respect to Economic Community of West Africa States and Africa Union Interventions. African Security, IV(2), pp. 81-99.

Author: Aning K. & Salihu N.

Category: External Publications, JA-2011, Journal Articles

Topic: Protection of Civilians


Addressing Emerging Security Threats in Post-Gaddafi Sahel and the ECOWAS Response to the Malian Coup.

Author: Aning K. Okyere F. & Abdallah M.

Category: P-2012, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Addressing Small Arms and Light Weapon Issues in the Sahel Region: Utilizing Local Capacities.

Author: Yoneda Y.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Addressing the Causes and Consequences of the Farmer-Herder Conflict in Ghana

Author: Adomako M.

Category: P-2019

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Rule of Law


Addressing the Challenges of Small Arms Availability in Ghana: A Security/Development Dilemma? A Report on Small Arms Baseline Study on Ghana-2014, Accra: Ghana National Commission on Small Arms.

Author: Pokoo J. M. Aning K. & Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, R1-2016, Reports

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons







Africa and Transnational Organized Crime: Financing Insecurity and Narco-Terrorism. In: T. Murithi, ed. Handbook of Africa’s International Relations. London: Routledge, pp. 272-281.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Africa in Global International Relations: Emerging Approaches to Theory and Practice. London and New York: Routledge (with Bischoff, P. and Acharya A. eds.).

Author: Aning K. ed.

Category: BK1-2016, Books, External Publications

Topic: Terrorism


African Agency in R2P: Interventions by African Union and ECOWAS in Mali, Cote D’Ivoire, and Libya. International Studies Review XVIII(1), pp. 120-133.

Author: Aning K. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2016, Journal Articles

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


African Armies Consistently Provide Peacekeepers. The Africa Report, April, Issue 49, p. 26 (Interview conducted by The Africa Report).

Author: Aning E. K.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


African Commitments to Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping, A Review of Eight NePAD Countries, Pretoria: African Human Security Initiative.

Author: Aning E.K Birikorang E. Addo P. & Sowatey E

Category: R1-2013, Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


African Domestic and Cross-Border Challenges. In: C. A. Crocker, F. O. Hampson & P. Aall, eds. Rewiring Regional Security in a Fragmented World. Washington, DC: USIP.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Border Security Management


Africanizing the International and Internationalizing the Africa: Security, War on Terror and Mali. In: P. Bischoff, K. Aning & A. Acharya, eds. Africa in Global International Relations: Emerging Approaches to Theory and Practice. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 144-163.

Author: Aning K. & Annan N.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Terrorism


Africa’s security and the United States: Letters from Africa to President Joe Biden

Author: Aning K., Lamptey A.

Category: P-2021

Topic: Human Security, Peace and Security, Terrorism


An Assessment of Police Pre- Deployment Training: Ghana Study

Author: Aubyn F. Edu-Afful F. Allotey-Pappoe S. & Nelson. S.

Category: O-2015, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Policing


An Assessment of the Impact of the KAIPTC SALW Training Programme (2008-2010).


Category: FR-2011, Field Reports

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


An Assessment Report on Security Sector Reform in Liberia, Monrovia: Governance Reform Commission of Liberia.

Author: Jaye T.


Topic: Policing


An Evolving Security Dilemma: Adopting a Comprehensive Approach to Changing Dynamics of Terrorism in Africa. International Relations and Diplomacy, IV(2), pp. 85-94.





An Evolving Security Dilemma:Adopting a Comprehensive Approach to Changing Dynamics of Terrorism in Africa. International Relations and Diplomacy, IV(2), pp. 85-94.

Author: Kotia E. & Abdallah M.

Category: External Publications, JA-2016, Journal Articles

Topic: Responsibility to Protect, Terrorism


An Examination of the Rule of Law Provisions within the African Standby Force.

Author: Canter A. S.

Category: O-2009, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Rule of Law


An Overview of West Africa’s Security Situation. In: F. Casprini, S. Lunarelli & A. Marrone, eds. Flexible Frameworks-Beyond Borders: Understanding Regional Dynamics to Enhance Cooperative Security. Brussels: NATO Headquarters.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L. M.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Annual Review of Peace Support Operations in Africa 2016.

Author: Birikorang E. Jaye T. & Okyere F.

Category: A-2016, Annual Review of Peace Support Operations

Topic: Peacekeeping


Application of and Responses to the Responsibility to Protect Norm at Regional and Sub-Regional Levels in Africa: Lessons for Implementation. In: The Role of Sub-Regional Organisations in Strengthening the Responsiblity to Protect. New York: Stanley Foundation.

Author: Aning K. & Atoubi S.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


April – June 2016. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume II.

Author: Birikorang. E. Edu- Afful F. Nelson. S. Annan N. & Aubyn F. K.

Category: Mission Watch Quarterly Briefs, W-2016

Topic: Peacekeeping


Arms Control in Peacebuilding Activities in Africa – A Perspective. Berlin, Heinrich Bӧll Stiftung. [Online]

Author: Pokoo J.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2014, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Article 4(h):Translating Political Commitment into Collective Action. In: D. Kuwali & F. Vilijoen, eds. Africa and the Responsibility to Protect: Article 4(h) of the African Union Constitutive Act. London: Taylor & Francis, pp. 278-287.

Author: Okyere F. Aning K. & Nelson S.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Balancing External Support with Domestic Imperatives in Security and Justice Sector Reform.In: Sustaining Peace: what Work’s, August, Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development. Stockholm: SIPRI, pp. 47-51.

Author: Lartey E. & Aning K.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2017, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Policing


Balancing the Economic Community of West African States Tightrope: between Democracy, Security and Disintegration?

Author: Aning K.

Category: O-2024

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Beauty and the Thief: The Attraction of Gulf of Guinea to Maritime Security.

Author: Osei- Tutu J.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Between Conflict and Integration: Border Governance in Africa in Times of Migration. International Reports, Issue 1,pp 54-65.

Author: Aning K. & Pokoo J.

Category: External Publications, JA-2017, Journal Articles

Topic: Border Security Management


Beyond Enlightened Legalisation: The Political Economy of SALW Manufacture in Ghana

Author: Sosuh, M.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Beyond Naval Interventions in Somali Piracy. SAIIA Opinion & Analysis, 27 September 2015.

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: External Publications, OPP-2015, Opinion Papers

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Border Security in Ghana: Challenges and Prospects. Accra: KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 32.

Author: Sosuh, M.M.

Category: O-2011, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Border Security Management


Breaking the Inertia: Women’s role in Mediation and Peace Process in West Africa.

Author: Amedzrator L.M.

Category: O-2014, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Breaking the Silence of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence against Men and Boys: The Case of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Author: Birikorang E., Edu- Afful F.

Category: O-2019

Topic: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Protection of Civilians


Breaking-Up A Monolithic State: Reflections of Unarmed Ghanaian Military Observers in Kosovo and Bosnia. New York: New York University.

Author: Aning K. Edu-Afful F. & Avoxe E.

Category: MO-2012, Monographs

Topic: Peacekeeping


Bridging the Capacity Gaps to Meet West Africa’s Security Challeges: Options for Austria’s Engagement. In: J. Frank & W. Matyas, eds. Strategie und Sicherheit 2013: Chancen und Grenzen Europaischer Militarischer Integration. Wien Koln Weimar: Bohlau Verlag Ges.m.b.H & Co. KG.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Bridging the Capacity Gaps to Meet West Africa’s Security Challenges: Options for Austria’s Engagement. In: J. Frank & W. Matyas

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Building African Peacekeeping Capacity: Donors and African Union’s Emerging Peace and Security Architecture.

Author: Scorgie L.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


Building Peace on Fragile Foundations: The Liberian Challenge.

Author: O'Neil A. & Ward L.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Building Resilience and Supporting National Infrastructures for Peace: The Case of Senegal

Author: Amedzrator L.M.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Peace and Security, Responsibility to Protect


Burkina Faso: An Unforeseen Crisis?. Conflict Trends, Issue 3, pp. 34-40.

Author: Salihu N.

Category: External Publications, MA-2015, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Call for Applications: Protection of Civilians Course (POC) 2022-2





Challenges and Opportunities for the AU’s Peace and Security Council: A Critical Reflection from a Regime Analytical Perspective. In: U. Engel & J. G. Porto, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddednes, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey; Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 209-226.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Challenges in Mali: Historic Duty to Ensure Peace. New Routes, XVIII(2), pp. 24-26.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


China’s Foray into African Security and the Question of Non-Interference. African East-Asian Affairs, Issue 3, pp. 9-30.

Author: Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation, Peacekeeping


Climate Change and Pastoralist-Farmer Conflicts in Nigeria

Author: Salihu N., Tachie-Menson E. A.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security


Climate Change, Migration, andInsecurity in West Africa: The Case of Senegal

Author: Birikorang E., Susan Nelson

Category: O-2013, O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security


Climate Change, Population Displacements, and Conflicts in Northern Ghana

Author: Abdallah M., Lutterodt B., Okyere F.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources


Climate Change: A Driver of Insecurity in Niger?

Author: Akakpo M, Amedzrator L.M.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources


Colloquium on Ensuring Peaceful Elections in Ghana: Preserving National Security in Elections 2012 and Beyond. Accra: KAIPTC.

Author: Annan N. Aubyn F. Edu-Afful F. & Nti N. B.

Category: CW-2012, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Elections


Communiqué on Preserving National Security in Elections 2012 and Beyond. Daily Graphic, 8 November, p. 9.

Author: KAIPTC ed.

Category: COMM-2012, Communiqués, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Compendium of ECOWAS Peace and Security Decisions, Protocols and Peace Agreements.

Author: Aning E. K. Birikorang E. & Jaye T.

Category: B-2010, Books

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Comprehending West Africa’s Security Dilemmas: State Fragility, Narco-Terrorism and Oil Politics. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2012. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 49-53…

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Compromise Is Key to Ending Togo’s Political Crisis. IPI Global Observatory,13 September.

Author: Aubyn F. K.

Category: PRP-2017, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Elections


Conclusion: Culture and Conflict Managements: The Need for a Paradigm Shift. In: A. G. Adebayo, J. J. Benjamin & B. D. Lundy, eds. Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies: Global Perspectives. Maryland: Lexington Books, pp. 257-264 (with Sen, D. & Meneses, N.).

Author: Danso K.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Conflict and Compromise: UN Integrated Missions and Humanitarian Imperative

Author: Weir E.

Category: MO-2006, Monographs

Topic: Humanitarian Assistance


Conflict Prevention in Africa: Theoretical Construct or Plan of Action?

Author: Malan M.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Conflict-Related Sexual Violence In Localised Conflicts In Burkina Faso

Author: Akakpo M, Susan Nelson

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence


Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Localised Conflicts in Niger

Author: Salihu N.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence


Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Localized Conflicts in Burkina Faso

Author: Akakpo M. & Nelson S.

Category: O-2013

Topic: Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Peace and Security


Confronting Hybrid Threats in Africa: Improving Multidimensional Responses. In: C. de Coning, L. Gelot & J. Karlsrud, eds. The Future of African Peace Operations: From Janjaweed to Boko Haram. London: Zed Books, pp. 20-37.

Author: Aning K. & Abdallah M.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Confronting the ‘Oil Curse’: State-Civil Society Roles in Managing Ghana’s Oil Find. SAIIA Occasional Paper, Issue 27.

Author: Annan N. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, OP-2015, Occasional Papers

Topic: Natural Resources


Confronting the Boko Haram Challenge to Nigeria: Exploring Options for A Peaceful Settlement. Stability Operations, VIII(1), pp. 24-25 & 27.

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, JA-2012, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Consolidating Regional Security: Security Sector Reform and Beyond. In: T. Jaye, D. Garuba & S. Amadi, eds. ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building. Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 195-208.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Contributor Profile: Ghana, New York: International Peace Institute (Providing for Peacekeeping Project).

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, R1-2013, Reports

Topic: Peacekeeping


Corruption and State Instability in West Africa: An Examination of Policy Options.

Author: Atuobi S.M.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Coups d’état in Africa – A Thing of the Past?

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Cracks in the Smiling Coast of West Africa: Violence, Torture and Death in the Gambia

Author: Aning E. K.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Critical Perspectives on Transnational Criminality in West Africa. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. XVII(2), pp. 70-85.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L.M

Category: External Publications, JA-2016, Journal Articles

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Cross-Border Criminal Activities in West Africa: Options for Effective Responses.

Author: Addo P.

Category: O-2006, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Transnational Organized Crime


Cultural Diversity in Peace Operations: Training Challenges.

Author: Odoi N.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


Cyber Security in Ghana – Evaluating Readiness for the Future





Cyber Security in Ghana – Evaluating Readiness for the Future

Author: Adam M.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Cyber Security


Cyber Security in Ghana: Evaluating Readiness for the Future





Das Sicherheitsdilemma in Westafrika. Welt Trends, 111 January 2016, pp. 46-50.

Author: Aning K. & Abdallah M.

Category: External Publications, JA-2016, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Prevention


DDR and SSR Process in Liberia: Prospects and Challenges. In: H. Baseda, ed. Crafting an African Security Architecture–Addressing Regional Peace and Conflict in the 21st Century. Burlington: Ashgate.

Author: Jaye T. & Pokoo J.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration


Decoding ECOWAS’s Multiple Institutional Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding. Tunis: African Development Bank.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2009, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Democracy for Guinea-Bissau? An Analysis of the 2005 Presidential Elections.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Elections


Demography, Environment and Conflict in West Africa. In: T. Jaye, D. Garuba & S. Amadi, eds. ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building . Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 77-95.

Author: Atta-Asamoah A. & Aning E. K.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Demography, Environment and Conflict in West Africa. KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 34.

Author: Aning K. & Atta- Asamoah A.

Category: O-2011, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Different Missions, Different Mandates:A Comparative Assessment of Ghanaian Police Experiences in UN Peacekeeping Since 1960. New York: New York University/Carnegie Foundation.

Author: Aning K. & Avoxe E.

Category: External Publications, MO-2013, Monographs

Topic: Peacekeeping


Displaced in Darfur: An Analysis of Humanitarian and Protection Operation for the Internally Displaced in Darfur.

Author: Trish, C.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Humanitarian Assistance


Do Institutions Matter? Managing Institutional Diversity and Change in Ghana’s Fourth Republic.

Author: Salihu N. & Aning K.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Rule of Law


Drug Trafficking and Threats to National and Regional Security in West Africa. WACD Background Paper No. 1. Accra, WACD.

Author: Aning K. & Pokoo J.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2013, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Ebola: Impact and Lessons for West Africa.

Author: Jaye T. & Edu- Afful F.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Ebola


ECOWAS and Conflict Prevention in West Africa: Confronting the Triple Threats. New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University (with Bah, S.A.).

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2009, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


ECOWAS and Mediation in West Africa:Towards an Enhanced Capacity. Africa Policy Journal, VII, pp. 29-40.

Author: Atuobi S.

Category: External Publications, JA-2010, JA-2011, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


ECOWAS and Regional Peacekeeping Interventions in West Africa. In: T. Achleitner & G. Greindl, eds. Regional Peacekeeping in West Africa, Blue Helmet Forum Austria 2013. Vienna: National Defence Academy; United Nations Information Service Vienna, pp. 81-108.

Author: Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2013, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building. Dakar: CODESRIA (with Garuba, D. & Amadi, S. eds.).

Author: Jaye T. ed.

Category: BK1-2011, Books, External Publications

Topic: Peacebuilding


ECOWAS and the Second Liberian War. In: South African Yearbook of International Affairs, pp. 293-302. Johannesburg: SAIIA.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: BC-2004, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


ECOWAS Experience. In: International Seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution. Islamabad: National University of Sciences and Technology, pp. 54-60. [Online]

Author: Edu- Afful F.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2014, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


ECOWAS Intervention in Liberia and Sierra Leone: Lessons for the Evolving APSA. In: F. Aboagye, ed. A Comprehensive Review of African Conflicts and Regional Interventions [CRACRI]. Addis Ababa & Nairobi: AU & APSTA, pp. 93-108.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


ECOWAS, West Africa and the Responsibility to Protect. In: A. Knight & F. Egerton, eds. The Responsibility to Protect. London: Routledge

Author: Aning K. & Atoubi S.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Empowering Others: Motives and Strategies Sucessful Women Adopt. Review of Social Studies,4(I), pp. 41-58.

Author: Osei-Hwedie K.

Category: External Publications, JA-2017, Journal Articles

Topic: Women, Leadership


Engagement of Youth Formerly Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups as Children in Peacebuilding: A Case Study of Democratic Republic of Congo

Author: Edu- Afful F., Osei- Tutu J.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding



Author: Agnes Afi Agbevadi, Naila Salihu

Category: O-2022

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping, Small Arms and Light Weapons


Enhancing Accountability and Transparency in Ghana’s Defence Sector

Author: Salihu N.

Category: P-2019

Topic: Security Sector Reform


Enhancing the Operationalisation of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework: A Study on the State-Level Awareness of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia and Ghana).

Author: Atuobi S. & Okyere F.

Category: FR-2011, Field Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Enhancing the Operationalisation of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework: A Study on the State-Level Awareness of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia and Ghana). French

Author: Atuobi S. & Okyere F.

Category: FR-2011, Field Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Envisioning a Future African Union: Exploring Collaborative Ventures with the EU & the UN. In: R. Sharamo & C. Ayagafac, eds. The State of Human Security in Africa: An Assessment of Institutional Preparedness. Pretoria: ISS Monograph 185.

Author: Aning K. & Danso F. K.

Category: External Publications, MO-2011, Monographs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Escaping the Repertoire of Election Crisis: Prospects and Challenges of the Evolving Infrastructure for Peace in Cote d’Ivoire.

Author: Abdallah M., Amedzrator L.M.

Category: P-2015, Policy Briefs

Topic: Elections


Establishing an Early Warning System in the African Peace and Security Architecture: Challenges and Prospects.

Author: Tiruneh B.T.

Category: O-2010, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Establishing the Future State of the Peacebuilding Commission: Perspectives on Africa. Oslo & Ottawa: NUPI & CIPS.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2010, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


EU-AU Missions in Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Scenarios. In: N. Pirozzi, ed. Ensuring Peace and Security in Africa: Implementing the New Africa-EU Partnership and Developing Cooperation. Rome: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Author: Aning K. & Danso K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Evaluating the Operational Effectiveness of West African Female Police Officers.

Author: Ford H.

Category: O-2008, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Security Sector Reform


Evalutating Electoral Processes and the State of Democracy in West Africa: The Case of Ghana. In: Dakar: Goree Institute of Democracy, pp. 158-185.

Author: Aning K. & Ansah Lamptey E

Category: BC-2009, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Evolving Security Threats in West Africa: Interrogating ECOWAS’ Response Mechanism. In: F. Vrey & T. Mandrup, eds. The African Standby Force. Quo Vadis? Stellenbosch: Sun Press, pp. 157-169

Author: Abdallah M. Aning K. & Osei-Tutu J.

Category: BC-2017, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Examining the Legal and Policy Frameworks Regulating the Behavior of Political Parties in Sierra Leone. Stockholm: International IDEA.

Author: Aning K. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Elections


Examining the Role of Third- Party Mediation in Cote d’Ivoire’s Conflict Peacemakers or Spoilers?

Author: Dadson E.

Category: O-2008, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Expert-Level Seminar on Regional Perspectives and Experiences on Security Sector Reform and Protection of Civilians. Accra:KAIPTC (with Imesch,M.).

Author: Annan N. & Aubyn F.

Category: CW-2013, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Security Sector Reform


Exploration des liens entre l’extrémisme violent et la prolifération des armes légères et de petit calibre au Burkina Faso

Author: Doke V., Salihu N.

Category: O-2024

Topic: Peace and Security


Exploring Indigenous Mechanisms for Peacemaking in West Africa. In: A. G. Adebayo, B. D. Lundy, J. Benjamin & J. K. Adjei, eds. Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies in West Africa: Beyond Right and Wrong. New York: Lexington Books, pp.35-52.

Author: Brewoo S. & Abdallah M.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Exploring the Benefits and Disadvantages of Hybrid and Other Support Models for Peace Operations in Africa. In: L. Gelot, G. Ludwig & C. de Coning, eds. Supporting African Peace Operations. Uppsala & Oslo: The Nordic Africa Institute; Dag Hammarskjold Foundation & Norwegian Institute of International Affairs.

Author: Aning K. & Abdallah M.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Exploring the Linkages between Violent Extremism and the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons in Burkina Faso

Author: Doke V., Salihu N.

Category: O-2024

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Exploring the Post-Gadaffi Repercussions in the Sahel. Accra; KAIPTC.

Author: Abdallah M. Sapiano J. Okyere F. & Bentum D. I.

Category: CW-2012, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Fighting The Enemy Without The Community: Interrogating the Strategy of Countering Violent Extremism in Burkina Faso

Author: Abdallah M., Ansah Lartey E.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Final Communiqué Issued at A Stakeholders Colloquium on the Theme “Reducing the Incidence of Violence in Election 2016 and Beyond”. Daily Graphic, 3 October, p. 14.

Author: KAIPTC ed.

Category: COMM-2016, Communiqués, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Final Communiqué Issued at An Election Colloquium on the Theme” Ensuring Credible Elections and Peaceful Political Transition in Liberia”. FrontPage, Monday, 2 October p.9

Author: KAIPTC & Liberia Peacebuilding Office eds.

Category: COMM-2017, Communiqués

Topic: Elections


Forward. In: M. Eriksson & R. Kostic, eds. Mediation and Liberal Peacebuilding: Peace from the Ashes of War?. London: Routledge, pp. 14-15.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacebuilding


From Research to Practice: Linking the Training for Peace Programme’s Research to Policy Development and Training in Peace Operations. Conflict Trends, Issue 2, pp. 19-27.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, MA-2015, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Ghana Armed Forces in Lebanon and Liberia Peace Operations. Daily Graphic, 12 November, p. 45.

Author: Aubyn F.

Category: BR-2015, Book Reviews, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Ghana Armed Forces in Lebanon and Liberia Peace Operations. Maryland: Lexington Books.

Author: Kotia E.W.

Category: BK1-2015, Books, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Ghana Center for Democratic Development, 2015. Conflict Monitoring and Intervention for Peace in Ghana’s Election 2012. Accra: Center for Democratic Development

Author: Aning K. Ansah Lartey E. & Danso S.O.

Category: External Publications, R1-2015, Reports

Topic: Elections


Ghana in 2012. In: A Decade of Ghana: Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2013. Leiden & Boston: Brill, pp. 122-135.

Author: Aning K. & Annan N.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana in 2013. In: A Decade of Ghana: Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2013. Leiden & Boston: Brill, pp. 136-148.

Author: Aning K. & Annan N.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana’s 2012 Elections: Lessons Learnt Towards Sustaining Peace and Democratic Stability.

Author: Abdallah M.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Elections


Ghana’s Regional Security Policy: Cost, Benefits and Consistency.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Ghana. In: A. Bellamy & P. William, eds. Providing Peacekeepers: The Politics, Challenges and Future of United Nations Contributions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Ghana. In: A. Bellamy & P. Williams, eds. Providing Peacekeepers: The Politics, Challenges and Future of United Nations Contributions. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Ghana. In: A. Mehler, H. Melber & K. van Walraven, eds. Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2012. Boston, Amsterdam: Leiden, Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 97-105.

Author: Aning K. & Annan N.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana. In: L.R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Ghana. In: P. H. Davies & K. C. Gustafon, eds. Intelligence Elsewhere: Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Author: Aning K. Birikorang E. & Lartey E.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Ghana. In: P. H. Davies & K. C. Gustafon, eds. Intelligence Elsewhere: Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L.M, Aning K. Birikorang E. & Lartey E.


Topic: Conflict Prevention


Ghana. In: S. Elischer, R. Hofmeier, A. Mehler & H. Melber, eds. Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2014. Leiden & Boston: Brill, pp. 76-86.

Author: Annan N. & Aning K.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana.In: A. Mehler, H. Melber & K. van Walraven, eds. Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2013. Boston, Amsterdam: Leiden, Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 76-86.

Author: Aning K. & Annan N.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana: Recent History. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2010. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 546-550.

Author: Lartey E.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Elections


Ghana: The Land Question in El Dorado. Dakar: Institute for Strategic Studies (with Kabran, E. & Onoma, A.).

Author: Annan N.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2013, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Natural Resources


Guarding the Sea, Pulling the Net, Salting the Fish: The Multiple Roles of Women in the Blue Economy

Author: Edu- Afful F., Osei- Tutu J. A.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Gender, Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security, Women, Leadership


Guinea Bissau. In: L.R. Cleary, A.M. Dorman & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon-Scanning 2015 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


HIV/AIDS Dimensions of Disarmement, Demobilization (DDR) and Security Sector Reform (SSR) Processes in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. International Peacekeeping, XX(IV), pp. 507-520.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration


Homegrown Crises, Homegrown Solutions? The Efficacy of Indigenous Conflict Resolution/Management Approaches in Ghana. In: A. G. Adebayo, B. D. Lundy, J. Benjamin & J. K. Adjei, eds. Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies in West Africa: Beyond Right and Wrong. London & Lanham: Lexington Books, pp. 115-132.

Author: Danso S. O. & Osei-Tutu J. A.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Human Security Concerns in the Western Region of Ghana- An Analysis of the Oil and Gas Industry

Author: Haruna I.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Human Security, Natural Resource Management


Human Security in the Western Region of Ghana, Accra: UNDP Ghana Working Paper.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, R1-2011, Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Human Transformation of the Armed Forces for Democratic Stability of Cote d’Ivoire

Author: Salihu N.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Security Sector Reform


Humanitarian Assistance in West Africa and Beyond. Stadtschlaining: Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution.

Author: Lakitsch M. Wolter S. & Pokoo J.

Category: B-2015, Books

Topic: Humanitarian Assistance


Illicit Small Arms in Ghana: A Baseline Assessment, Accra: UNDP/GoG.

Author: Aning K. Birikorang E. Sowatey E. & Ajayi T.

Category: External Publications, R1-2004, Reports

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Implementation of R2P in Côte d’Ivoire: Progress, Challenges, and the Way Forward

Author: Anna Naa Adochoo Mensah

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Implementing R2P in Liberia: Is there a Political-will?

Author: Abdallah M.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Implementing the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework: Prospects and Challenges.

Author: Atuobi S.

Category: P-2010, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


In the Shadows of Repressive Rule: Building Infrastructures for Peace Consolidation in The Gambia

Author: Danso K.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Incorporating Human Security in Regional Integration: The Case of CEMAC.

Author: Tebid E.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Independent Mid-Term In-Depth Evaluation of the Global Programme on Strengthening the Legal Regime against Terrorism (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) (with Allan, P.G.).

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, R1-2015, Reports

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Indigenous Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of Ghana and Botswana. In: B. Z. Osei-Hwedie, T. Galvin & H. Shinoda, eds. Indigenous Methods of Peacebuilding. Hiroshima: IPSHU, pp. 33-51 (with Rankopo, M.J.).

Author: Osei-Hwedie K.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Infrastructures for Peace in Cote d’Ivoire

Author: Naila Salihu

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Integrating Gender in Peacekeeping Training: An Approach from the ECOWAS Subregion. Gender and Peacebuilding in Africa Occasional Paper, Issue 2. Cape Town, Dakar, Nairobi & Oxford: Pambazuka Press (with Alaga, E.).

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: External Publications, OP-2012, Occasional Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


Intelligence in African Peace Operations: Addressing the Deficit.

Author: Malan M.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


Introduction to Concepts and Key Issues in Conflict and Peacebuilding. In: A. S. Gadzekpo, ed. Conflict-Sensitive Coverage: A Manual for Journalists Reporting Conflict in West Africa. Accra: School of Information and Communication Studies, University of Ghana, Legon/African Peacebuilding Network (APN), pp. 10-21.

Author: Kotia E.

Category: External Publications, M-2017, Manual

Topic: Peacebuilding


Introduction to Concepts and Key Issues in Conflict and Peacebuilding. In: A. S. Gadzekpo, ed. Conflict-Sensitive Coverage: A Manual for Journalists Reporting Conflict in West Africa. Accra: School of Information and Communication Studies, University of Ghana, Legon/African Peacebuilding Network (APN), pp. 10-21.

Author: Kotia E.


Topic: Peacebuilding


Introduction. In: B. De Carvalho, T. Jaye, Y. Kasumba & W. Okumu, eds. Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs., pp. 11-20 (with Okumu, W.).

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Introduction. In: T. Jaye, D. Garuba & S. Amadi, eds. ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building. Dakar: CODESRIA, pp. 1-7 (with Garuba, D. & Amadi, S.).

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacebuilding


Islamic Radicalization and Violence in Ghana. Conflict, Security and Development Journal, XIII(2), pp. 149-167.

Author: Aning K. & Abdallah M.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Violent Extremism


Islamic Radicalization and Violence in Liberia. Conflict, Security and Development Journal, XIII(2), pp. 191-208 (with Alao, A.).

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Violent Extremism


Jane’s Moment of Shame: A Call to Stop Human Trafficking. [Online]

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: External Publications, NLA-2013, Newsletter Article

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


January – March 2016. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume I.

Author: Birikorang. E. Edu- Afful F. Nelson. S. Annan N. & Aubyn F. K.

Category: Mission Watch Quarterly Briefs, W-2016

Topic: Peacekeeping


Japan-Africa Relations: Applying the Asian Development Experience to Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Cornell University Institute for African Development Occasional Paper Series, Issue 14 (with Osei-Hwedie, B.Z.).

Author: Osei-Hwedie K.

Category: External Publications, OP-2012, Occasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Journal of African Peace and Security

Author: Aning K., Emmah Wabuke, Festus Aubyn, Ibrahim Bangura, Jaye T. ed., M'Bawine Atintande, Oita Etyand and Clara Amulen Emurugat, Taygeti Michalakea

Category: B-2018



July – September 2016. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume III.

Author: Birikorang. E. Edu- Afful F. Nelson. S. Annan N. & Aubyn F. K.

Category: Mission Watch Quarterly Briefs, W-2016

Topic: Peacekeeping


KAIPTC Newsletter Jan – Mar 2018





Key Factors Shaping the Interest of China in Africa Security Issues. Africa Conflict Monthly Monitor, July, pp. 8-13.

Author: Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


L’instabilita passa dal Salava: Il Fattora Tuareg. Aspenia, pp. 221-225.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L.M

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Legal and Policy Frameworks Regulating the Behavior of Politicians and Political Parties in Ghana: Interrogating Institutional Mechanisms. Stockholm: International IDEA.

Author: Aning K. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Elections


Lessons from the Death of A Tunisian Salesman. African Security Review, XX(2), pp. 78-84.

Author: Nti N. B.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Lessons Learned and Best Practice from A Troubled Region: ECOWAS and the Development of the ECOWAS Standby Force. In: U. Engel & P. J. G, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddedness, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 89-110.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Liberia’s Security Sector Legislation. Geneva: DCAF.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BK1-2008, Books, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Liberia’s TRC: Contexts, Mandates and Challenges. [Online]

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, NLA-2007, Newsletter Article

Topic: Peacebuilding


Liberia. In: A. Bryden, B. N’Diaye & F. Olonisakin, eds. Challenges of Security Sector Governance in West Africa . Berlin, Munster, Wien, Zurich & London : LIT Verlag, pp. 169-184. (Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF))

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2008, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Liberia. In: L. R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

Author: Jaye T. & Aning K.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Liberia: A Briefing Paper on the TRC Report.Accra: KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 33.

Author: Aning K. & Jaye T.

Category: O-2011, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Liberia: Parliamentary Oversight and Lessons Learned from Internationalized Security Sector Reform. New York: Centre on International Cooperation.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, R1-2009, Reports

Topic: Policing


Liberia: Setting Priorities for Post Conflict Reconstruction. Journal of Security Sector Management, I(3), pp. 1-6.


Category: External Publications

Topic: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration


Local Rules?! The Practices of Conflict Resolution by the United Nations in Liberia.

Author: Neef M.

Category: O-2017, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Lowering the Anchor on Maritime Insecurity along the Gulf of Guinea: Lessons from Operation Prosperity.

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Mainstreaming Gender and Women’s Issues in Multidimensional Peace Support Operations: A Reader and Trainer’s Guide.

Author: WIPSEN-Africa, EGDC, KAIPTC & GIZ eds

Category: T-2009, Training Manual

Topic: Peacekeeping


Mainstreaming or Manoeuvring? Gender and Peacekeeping in West Africa

Author: O'Neil A. & Ward L.

Category: MO-2005, Monographs

Topic: Peacekeeping


Mali, Democracy and ECOWAS’s Sanctions Regime

Author: Aning K., Axelrod I. Z.

Category: P-2020

Topic: Democracy, ECOWAS, Sanctions regime


Mali. In: L. R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

Author: Aning K. Edu-Afful F. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Mali: Insecurity Hotspot in the Sahel.

Author: Aning E. K. & Amedzrator L. M.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Managing African Security and Change in the Age of Neoliberalism. In: N. Poku, ed. Africa in the Age of Neoliberalism-Politics and Change since 1980. London: Ashgate.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Managing Complex Political Dilemmas in West Africa: ECOWAS and the 2012 Crises in Guinea-Bissau. Conflict Trends, pp. 26-32.

Author: Aubyn F. K.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Managing Election-Related Conflict and Violence for Democratic Stability in Ghana II.

Author: Aning K. Danso K. & Salihu N.

Category: B-2016, Books

Topic: Elections


Managing Election-Related Violence for Democratic Stability in Ghana.

Author: Aning K. & Danso K.

Category: B-2012, Books

Topic: Elections


Managing Expectations and Tensions in Ghana’s Oil-Rich Western Region. Johannesburg: SAIIA Policy Briefing 55.

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2012, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Natural Resources


Managing National Commissions for Small Arms and Light Weapons Control in West Africa.


Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Mapping the Threat of Organised Crime to African States: The Case of West Africa. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2010. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 51-55.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Maritime Crime Hotspots Along The Coast Of Ghana: Mapping The Threats

Author: Aning K., Birikorang E., Tachie-Menson E. A.

Category: P-2022

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Mediating Conflict in West Africa: An Overview of Regional Experiences.Accra: KAIPTC & CMI.

Author: Conteh M. Taflinski P. & Hislaire P.

Category: B-2014, Books

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Mending Broken Relations after Civil War: The ‘Palava Hut’ and the Prospects for Lasting Peace in Liberia.

Author: Danso K.

Category: P-2016, Policy Briefs

Topic: Peacebuilding


Mercenarism in West Africa: A Threat to Ghana’s Democracy? Accra: KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 2.

Author: Addo P.

Category: O-2004, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Military Challenges and Threats in West Africa. In: H. Guenter-Brauch, ed. Coping with Global Environmental Change, Disasters and Security–Threats, Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Risks. Berlin & New York: Springer-Verlag.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Mitigating Threats to Human Security: An Examination of SALW Stockpile Management in West Africa.

Author: Lamptey A.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Musings on Niger’s 2023 Coup d’état: Exploring Options for Engagement

Author: Salihu N. Doke V. Aning E.K

Category: O-2013

Topic: Peace and Security, Peacekeeping, Security Sector Reform


Musings on Niger’s 2023 Coup d’état: Exploring Options for Engagement

Author: Aning E. K., Doke V., Salihu N.

Category: O-2023



Natural Resource Management and its implication on Natural and Sub-Regional Security: The case of the Niger Delta.

Author: Onigbinde D.

Category: O-2008, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Natural Resources


Negotiating Nigeria’s Democracy Schisms. In: South African Yearbook of International Affairs, pp. 303-310. Johannesburg: SAIIA.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2004, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Negotiating the Pitfalls of Peace and Security in Africa and A New American Grand Strategy: African Union Peace and Security Architecture and the U.S. Africa Command. In: V. C. Franke & R. H. Dorff, eds. Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: Pillars of A New American Grand Strategy. Pennsylvania: United States Army War College Press, pp. 339-368.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Nepal, the Earthquake and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. GCSP Newsletter, Issue 9 & GCSP Global Insight, 10 June 2015. [Online]

Author: Nti N. B. D.

Category: External Publications, NLA-2015, Newsletter Article

Topic: Earthquake, Development


Normative Changes in Peacekeeping Operations: How Much are Current Norms and Practices Challenged? Africa’s Resistance to Peacekeeping’s Normative Change. Zurich & Geneva: CSS at ETH Zurich & GCSP.

Author: Aning K. Aubyn F. Annan N. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2013, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


October – December 2016. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume IV.

Author: Birikorang. E. Edu- Afful F. Nelson. S. Annan N. & Aubyn F. K.

Category: Mission Watch Quarterly Briefs, W-2016

Topic: Peacekeeping


Oil, Corruption and Conflict in West Africa: The Failure of Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Author: Ronsentein J.

Category: MO-2005, Monographs

Topic: Natural Resources


Parliamentary Oversight of the Security Sector: Lessons from Ghana. New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2009, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Policing


Patrolling a Mirage: The Challenges of Border Security Management in the Sahel. The Broker.

Author: Lamptey A.

Category: External Publications, OPP-2015, Opinion Papers

Topic: Border Security Management


Pawns, Puppets or Weapons of Choice: Examining Boko Haram’s Use of Female Suicide Bombers in Nigeria

Author: Allotey-Pappoe S. & Lamptey A.

Category: O-2019

Topic: Gender, Terrorism, Violent Extremism


Peace Support and Operations Elections in West Africa : The Case of Sierra Leone

Author: Atuobi S.

Category: MO-2009, Monographs

Topic: Elections


Peace vs Justice? The Dilemma of Peace and Justice in Post-Conflict Societies in Africa: Lessons from Sudan and Kenya.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2010, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Peace-making in West Africa: Progress and Prospects.

Author: Addo P.

Category: MO-2005, Monographs

Topic: Peacebuilding


Peacekeeping Economies in a Sub-Regional Context: The Paradigmatic Cases of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, IX(3), pp. 391-407.

Author: Edu-Afful F. & Aning K.

Category: External Publications, JA-2015, Journal Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Peacekeeping in a Francophone Space: Experiences of Ghanaian Peacekeepers in Cote d’Ivoire. The Round Table, CVI(4), pp. 1-17





Peacekeeping in a Francophone Space: Experiences of Ghanaian Peacekeepers in Cote d’Ivoire. The Round Table, CVI(4), pp. 1-17

Author: Aning K. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: JA-2017, Journal Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (with De Carvalho, B., Kasumba, Y. & Okumu, W. eds.).

Author: Jaye T. ed.

Category: BK1-2010, Books, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


Peackeeping Economies in a Sub-Regional Context: The Paradigmatic Cases of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, IX(3), pp. 391-407.

Author: Edu-Afful F. & Aning K.

Category: External Publications, Journal Articles



Piracy in Africa: The Case of the Gulf of Guinea.

Author: Fiorelli M.

Category: O-2014, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Policing and Peace Operations in Africa: Reflections on MINUSMA.

Author: Aubyn F.

Category: O-2015, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Policing


Policy Brief 13 (Violent Extremism in Burkina Faso: Examining Responses From The State Defence And Civil Self Defence)

Author: Moomin R

Category: P-2023

Topic: Peace and Security, Violent Extremism


Policy Forum on Inter-Linkages of Security Sector Reform (SSR) and The Protection of Civilians (POC) in Africa. Accra: KAIPTC (with Imesch,M.).

Author: Aubyn F. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: CW-2013, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Security Sector Reform


Political Party Posters and Elections in Ghana: Identifying Reasons and Instituting Measures against Vandalism.

Author: Ansah Lartey E.

Category: P-2016, Policy Briefs

Topic: Elections


Political Trends and Emerging Security Challenges in West Africa.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: P-2012, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Politics In a Period of Uncertainty: Gambia’s December 2021 Elections

Author: Aning K., Ankah Philip M.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Elections


Post-Electoral Conflict in La Cote d’Ivoire: Road Map to Peace. In: A. Akanmu, ed. Managing Conflicts in Africa’s Democratic Transitions. Indiana: Lexington.

Author: Danso S. O.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacebuilding


Potential Drivers of Jihadism and Radicalisation in Senegal

Author: Devante Duncan, Naila Salihu

Category: O-2022

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Potential New Hotspots for Extremism and Opportunities to Mitigate the Danger: The Case of the Sahel. In: Africa South of the Sahara. London: Routledge.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Violent Extremism


Power Sharing as Post-Elections Conflict Management Mechanism in Sub- Saharan Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Kenya and Zimbabwe.

Author: Salihu N.

Category: O-2010, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Elections


Presidential Transitions in Ghana’s Politics: Lessons from the 2008 Elections. African Renaissance, VI(1), pp. 7-12.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, JA-2009, Journal Articles

Topic: Elections


Private Military and Security Companies: Security Actors without Accountability.

Author: Stenner L.

Category: O-2014, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Professionalism in Peacekeeping. African Defense Forum, VIII(4), 21 December 2015

Author: Kotia E.

Category: External Publications, MA-2015, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Professionalism in Peacekeeping. Defence Web, 16 February 2016

Author: Kotia E.

Category: External Publications, MA-2016, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Promoting Peace and Stability in La Cote d’Ivoire: Negotiating the Cost of International Inaction and the Need for Decisive Action.

Author: Aning K. & Atoubi S.

Category: P-2011, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Protecting Civilians in La Cote d’Ivoire: Addressing Unanswered Questions.

Author: Aning K. Atoubi S. & Salihu N.

Category: P-2011, Policy Briefs

Topic: Protection of Civilians


Protection of Civilians in Peace Support Operations: Lessons from La Cote d’Ivoire. Conflict Trends, XII(2), pp. 25-32.

Author: Aning K. & Salihu N.

Category: External Publications, MA-2012, Magazine Articles

Topic: Protection of Civilians


Providing Peace, Security and Justice in Ghana: The Role of Non-State Actors.

Author: Annan N.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Rule of Law


Public Information as a Mission Critical Component of West African Peace Operations

Author: Hunt C.

Category: MO-2006, Monographs

Topic: Crisis Information Management


Reflections on Security I.

Author: KAIPTC & FES

Category: B-2011, Books

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Refugee Camp Security in West Africa: An ECOWAS Priority?

Author: Opaye C.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Humanitarian Assistance


Regional Approaches to State-Buiilding II: The African Union and ECOWAS. In: M. Berdal & D. Zaum, eds. Political Economy of Statebuilding: Power After Peace. London: Routledge, pp. 174-187.

Author: Aning K. & Salihu N.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Regional Conflicts and Cross-Border Activities Fuelled by Criminal and Terrorist Networks in Africa. In: P. Aall & C. A. Crocker, eds. Minding the Gap: African Conflict Management in A Time of Change. Waterloo: CIGI Publications, pp. 119-132.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L. M.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Terrorism


Regional Trainers’ Forum: Preventing Natural Resource Conflicts in West Africa through Training/Capacity Building. Accra: KAIPTC & GIZ.

Author: Danso S. & Armah A.

Category: CW-2011, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Natural Resources


Reintegrating Boko Haram Fighters In Nigeria: Challenges And Prospects

Author: Tachie-Menson E. A.

Category: P-2022

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Religion and Ethnicity in Africa: An Obstacle to Development. The AU Herald, January-December 2013, pp. 74-93.

Author: Annan N. & Danso S.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Responsibility to Prevent in Africa: Leveraging Institutional Capacity to Mitigate Atrocity Risk, Policy Analysis Brief (The Stanley Foundation), January 2015.

Author: Aning K. & Okyere F.

Category: PRP-2015, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Resurrecting the Police Council in Ghana. In: A. Bryden & F. Chappuis, eds. Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 32-51.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Rethinking Border Management Strategies in West Africa: Experiences from the Sahel.

Author: Lamptey A. A.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Border Security Management


Review: Africa and the War on Drugs. [Online]

Author: Aning K.

Category: BR-2013, Book Reviews, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Revisiting the Trajectory of Regime Change in Africa – The Case of Mali

Author: Birikorang E., Salihu N.

Category: P-2020

Topic: Coup d'états, Democracy, ECOWAS


Same Story, Different Constructions: Exploring the (Re)Telling of Yaa Asantewaa’s Story as a Female Military Leader

Author: Nti N. B.

Category: O-2020

Topic: Gender, Women, Leadership


Scoping Infrastructure for Peace in West Africa: Lessons from Political Peace Processes and Religious Deradicalisation in Sierra Leone

Author: Ansah Lartey E.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Searching for Relevance: Culture and Social Work Education in Africa. In: C. A. Sottie, M. Dako-Gyeke & R. J. Walls, eds. Social Work in a Changing World: Issues and Prospects. Accra: Woeli Publishing.

Author: Osei-Hwedie K.

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Securing the Gulf of Guinea: Evaluating Nigeria’s Anti-Piracy Initiatives for Enhanced Maritime Governance

Author: Lamptey A.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security


Security Dimensions of Political Transitions in Ghana. Accra: UNDP Ghana Policy Paper.

Author: Aning K. & Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2011, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Elections


Security In Cote D’ivoire –Transhumance, Maritime Domain And Elections

Author: John Pokoo, Susan Nelson

Category: O-2022

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Security in the Sahel: Linking the Atlantic to the Mediterranean. In: R. Alcaro & N. Pirozzi, eds. Transatlantic Security from the Sahel to the Horn of Africa IAI Research Papers No. 12, April 2014), pp. 59 – 69.

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L.M

Category: BC-2014, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Security Sector Governance in Liberia. In: A. R. Mustapha, ed. Conflict and Security Governance in West Africa. Abuja: Malthouse & CLEEN Foundation, p. 57-78.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Policing


Security, the War on Terror and Official Development Assistance. Accra, Ottawa: The North-South Institute.

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, PCP-2007, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Terrorism


Security, the War on Terror and Official Development Assistance. Critical Studies on Terrorism, III(1), pp. 7-26.

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, JA-2010, Journal Articles

Topic: Terrorism


Senegal: A Democracy Caught up between Colonial Past and Radical Youth Advocacy

Author: Birikorang E., Salihu N.

Category: P-2024

Topic: Democracy, Peace and Security


Silence on the Lambs: The Abducted Chibok Schoolgirls in Nigeria and the Challenge to UNSCSR 1325.

Author: Nti N. B.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Terrorism, Violent Extremism


Small Arms and Light Weapons Training at KAIPTC: March 2008-March 2011.


Category: CW-2011, Conference & Workshops Reports



Stakeholder Workshop: Understanding and Working with Local Sources of Peace, Security and Justice in West Africa.

Author: Boateng M. & Schleef R.

Category: CW- 2015, Conference & Workshops Reports

Topic: Rule of Law


State Actors and Traditional Authorities in Ghana: Collaborative Provision of Peace and Security.

Author: Schleef R.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


State-Civil Society Interface in Liberia’s Post-Conflict Peacebuilding.

Author: Atuobi S.

Category: O-2010, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Statebuilding, Local Governance, and Organized Crime in Mali . In: A. O. Suilleabhain, ed. Leveraging Local Knowledge for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in Africa. New York: International Peace Institute, pp. 24-31.

Author: Okyere F.

Category: BC-2015, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Sustaining Peace and Stability in Ghana: Appraising the Role of the National Election Security Task Force in the 2012 Elections. Journal of African Elections, XII(2), pp. 132-153.

Author: Aubyn F. & Abdallah M.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation, Elections


Systemic Violence and Impunity: Between the Rhetoric and Reality of Atrocity Prevention in Nigeria

Author: Okyere F.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Tackling the Aftermath of Libya’s ‘Arab Spring’: Addressing the Small Arms Issue.

Author: Lamptey A. A.

Category: P-2012, Policy Briefs

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Taking Stock of the Responsibility to Protect in Africa: Challenges, Prospects, and Priorities for the Next Decade. Policy Dialogue Brief (The Stanley Foundation) (with Porter, K.), 6 March 2015.

Author: Okyere F.O.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2015, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


Taking up a Place at the Table: Analysing the Importance of UNSCR 2122 for the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

Author: Brewoo S.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Teaching Peacekeeping: An Interview with Fiifi Edu-Afful, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). African Conflict Monthly Monitor, July , pp. 21-23 (Interview conducted by James Hall).

Author: Edu- Afful F.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


The Abducted Chibok Schoolgirls in Nigeria and the Challenge to UNSCSR 1325.

Author: Nti N. B.

Category: Policy Briefs



The Accra Initiative: An Old Wine in a New Bottle?

Author: Birikorang E. Abdallah M.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Peace and Security, Peacebuilding


The African Peace and Security Architecture: Building a Viable Continental Peace and Security Mechanism. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2011. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 38-43.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The African Security Predicament. In: J. J. Hentz, ed. Routledge Handbook of African Security. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 9-20.

Author: Aning K. & Salihu N.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The African Union and China. In: F. Cheri & C. Obi, eds. The Rise of China and India in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities and Critical Interventions. London: Zed Books.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


The African Union and Civil Society Organizations: Defining an Emerging Relationship?. In: W. Feichtinger, U. Werther-Pietsch & G. Barnet, eds. Coordinated, Complementary and Coherent Action in Fragile Situations–The Vienna 3 C Conference. Vienna: Austrian Defence Academy.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The African Union Peace and Security Architecture: Building a Viable Continental Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping System. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2010. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 38-43.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The African Union. In: A. Bellamy & T. Dunne, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 355-372.

Author: Aning K. & Okyere F.

Category: BC-2016, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


The Center Can Hold: Towards a Regional Approach to Combating West African Terrorists.

Author: Salihu N.

Category: P-2015, Policy Briefs

Topic: Terrorism, Violent Extremism


The Challenge and Usefulness of R2P in the Syrian Context.

Author: Aning K. & Okyere F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation, Responsibility to Protect


The Challenge of the Cote d’Ivoire Crisis for West Africa: Exploring Options for a Negotiated Settlement.

Author: Aning K. & Atoubi S.

Category: P-2011, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The Colonial Legacy of Civil-military Relations and Democratic Stability in West Africa. Conflict Trends, Issue 4, pp. 50-56.

Author: Salihu N.

Category: External Publications, MA-2016, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The Darfur Crisis: A Test Case for Humanitarian Intervention. Accra: KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 1.

Author: Gberie L.

Category: O-2004, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Humanitarian Assistance


The Deployment and Vandalization of Political Party Posters: The Case of Ghana’s 2012 Elections. Elections Policy Brief # 1 July 2015. Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic Development (with Mensah, K. A).

Author: Ansah Lartey E.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2015, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Elections


The Economics of Militancy and Islamic Extremism in the Sahel. In: Political Stability and Security in West and North Africa: Highlights from the Conference. s.l.: Canada Security Intelligence Service, pp. 95-99. Edu Afful, F., 2014. ECOWAS Experience. In: International Seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution. Islamabad: National University of Sciences and Technology, pp. 54-60. [Online]

Author: Aning K. & Amedzrator L.M

Category: External Publications, PCP-2014, Published Conference Papers

Topic: Violent Extremism


The ECOWAS SSR Agenda in West Africa: Looking Beyond Normative Frameworks.

Author: Lar J. T.

Category: O-2009, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Security Sector Reform


The Human Being as a Commodity: Responding to the Trafficking and Trading of Persons in West Africa.

Author: Danso S. O.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Transnational Organized Crime


The Impact of Maritime Crimes on Women’s Livelihoods in West Africa

Author: Allotey-Pappoe, Salihu N.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security


The Ivorian Crisis: A Challenge to the ECOWAS Regional Security Mechanism. Pan-African Post, I(3).

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: External Publications, JA-2003, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The Lebanon-Israel War of 2006: Global Effects and its Aftermath. Small Wars Journal.

Author: Kotia E. W. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2014, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The Legacy of UN Military Intervention and State-building in Libya.

Author: Okyere F.O.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Rule of Law


The Media and Maritime Security Information Dissemination in Africa: The Cases of Sierra Leone and Senegal

Author: Pokoo J., Tetteh S.N.

Category: MO-2023

Topic: Maritime Security, Media


The NATO Intervention in Libya: Implications for the Protection of Civilians and the AU’s Pan-Africanist Agenda.

Author: Okyere F.O & Abdallah M.

Category: P-2011, Policy Briefs

Topic: Protection of Civilians


The Neglected Economic Dimensions of ECOWAS’s Negotiated Peace Accords in West Africa. Africa Spectrum, XLVI (3), pp. 27-44.

Author: Aning K. & Atoubi S.

Category: External Publications, JA-2012, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The Responsibility to Protect: The Time to Act is Now.

Author: Atuobi S.

Category: P-2009, Policy Briefs

Topic: Responsibility to Protect


The Role of Private Military Companies in US-Africa Policy. Review of African Political Economy, XXXV(118), pp. 613-628.

Author: Aning K. Jaye T. & Atuobi S.

Category: External Publications, JA-2008, Journal Articles

Topic: Peacebuilding


The Role of RECs in Peacebuilding in Africa: Past Experiences & the Way Forward. Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa. Cairo Policy Briefs No (3), November 2014.

Author: Aning K. & Ansah Lamptey E

Category: External Publications, PRP-2014, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


The Role of the Police in UNAMID. ISS Monograph, Issue 190 (with Caparini, M; Davies, OV; Dessu, MK & Peter, M).

Author: Aubyn F. K.

Category: External Publications, MO-2015, Monographs

Topic: Peacekeeping


The Role of the Security Sector in Ghana’s Democracy: A Case Study of the December 2012 Elections.

Author: Aning K. & Ansah Lamptey E

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Policing


The Root Causes of Somali Piracy. Accra: KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 31.

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: O-2011, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


The Security Culture of the ECOWAS: Origins, Development and the Challenge of Child Trafficking. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, XXVI(2), pp. 151-168.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, JA-2008, Journal Articles

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


The Security Situation in West Africa. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2013. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 25-30.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2012, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Prevention


The Sierra Leonean State in 2005: Revising the Root Causes of the Conflict.

Author: Albrecht P.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The UN Had to Go, But Is Liberia Really Prepared for Peace. Daily Observer, 14 July. [Online]

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, NPA-2016, Newspaper Article

Topic: Peacebuilding


The War in Syria: Calling for Urgent and Concerted International Response.

Author: Amedzrator L.M.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


The Wealth Within, The Wealth Unseen: Reflections on the Gulf of Guinea’s Maritime Domaine. SAIIA Occasional Paper, No 225, January 2016

Author: Osei - Tutu J.A.

Category: External Publications, OP-2016, Occasional Papers

Topic: Natural Resources


The West African Region: Between Peace Dividends and the Road to Recovery Conference Report.

Author: KAIPTC & ZIF

Category: CW-2012, Conference & Workshops Reports



The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the CAR: Implications for MINUSCA and the Samba Panza Interim Government.

Author: Edwards A.

Category: P-2014, Policy Briefs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Thinking Beyond Borders: Understanding the Domestic and External Sources of Maritime Insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea

Author: Danso K. Okyere F.

Category: O-2023

Topic: Conflict Prevention, Natural Resource Management, Natural Resources, Peace and Security


Third Termism And Political Insecurity In West Africa: Cases Of Cote D’ivoire And Guinea

Author: Rahima Moomin, Salihu N.

Category: P-2022

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Towards Attaining Peace in Darfur: Challenges to a Successful AU/UN Hybrid Mission in Darfur.

Author: Birikorang E.

Category: O-2009, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacekeeping


Towards Lasting Peace in Mali: Reflections on Post-Election Challenges.

Author: Aubyn F. K.

Category: P-2013, Policy Briefs

Topic: Peacebuilding


Towards the Operationalisation of Civilian Component of the ECOWAS Standby Force.

Author: Addy D. N & Atuobi S.

Category: P-2009, Policy Briefs

Topic: Peacekeeping


Traditional Authorities and Governance: A Case Study of Komenda Traditional Area, Ghana. Saarbrücken: Lambert Academic Publishing.

Author: Edu- Afful F.

Category: BK1-2014, Books, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Transition with Minimal Assistance: Lessons from Guinea-Bissau?

Author: Malan M.

Category: O-2005, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Peacebuilding


Transitional Justice and DDR: The Case of Liberia. Research Brief. New York: International Centre for Transitional Justice.

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2009, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration


Transnational Security Threats and Challenges to Peacekeeping in Mali. Conflict Trends, Issue 2, pp. 11-17.

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, MA-2014, Magazine Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Transversal Communities in West Africa’s Conflict Networks.

Author: Collett M.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


UN Peacekeeping and Prospects for Conflict Resolution in Africa. In: R. Beri, ed. India and Africa: Enhancing Mutual Engagement. New Delhi: Pentagon Press, pp. 25-40.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: BC-2013, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


UNAMID Police and Protection of Civilians in Darfur.

Author: Aubyn F. K.

Category: P-2016, Policy Briefs

Topic: Protection of Civilians


Unconstitutional Changes of Government: Confronting Africa’s Democratic Paradox. The AU Herald, January-December, Issue III, pp. 48-59.

Author: Aning K. & Aubyn F.

Category: External Publications, MA-2013, Magazine Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Understanding the Casamance Conflict: A Background

Author: Fall A.

Category: MO-2010, Monographs

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Understanding the Conflict in Côte d’Ivoire. Conflict Trends. Issue 1, pp. 27-31.

Author: Jaye T.


Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Understanding the Geo- Politics of the War in Southern Lebanon.

Author: Kotia E.W.

Category: O-2013, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Understanding the Geo-Politics of the War in Southern Lebanon. Ibadan Journal of Peace and Development, May 2014 Volume III & IV, pp. 105-121.

Author: Kotia E.

Category: External Publications, JA-2014, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Understanding the Links between Trafficking and Terrorism in the Sahel.In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2011. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 53-57.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2011, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Terrorism


Understanding the Nature and Threats of Drug Trafficking to National and Regional Security in West Africa. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, III(1)(8), pp. 1-13.

Author: Aning K. & Pokoo J.

Category: External Publications, JA-2014, Journal Articles

Topic: Maritime Security, Transnational Organized Crime


Understanding the Nexus between Human Security and Small Arms in Africa: The Case of Ghana. In: A. Abass, ed. Protecting Human Security in Africa. Oxford: OUP.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Small Arms and Light Weapons


Understanding the Relationship between the UN, EU and AU in African Peacekeeping. In: B. De Carvalho, T. Jaye, Y. Kasumba & W. Okumu, eds. Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, pp. 45-55.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Peacekeeping


UNDP Western Region Human Development Report 2013, Accra: UNDP (with Aning, S. – Contributors to the Report).

Author: Aning K. & Ansah Lamptey E

Category: External Publications, R1-2013, Reports

Topic: Conflict Prevention


Unintended Impacts and the Gendered Consequences of Peacekeeping Economies in Liberia. International Peacekeeping, XX(1), pp. 17-32.

Author: Aning K. & Edu-Afful F.

Category: External Publications, JA-2013, Journal Articles

Topic: Peacekeeping


Violent Conflicts and Civil Strife in West Africa: Causes, Challenges and Prospects. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, III(1)(3), pp. 1-16.

Author: Annan N.

Category: External Publications, JA-2014, Journal Articles

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


Violent Non-State Actors. In: K. Mulaj, ed. Sierra Leone: Understanding the Character and Politics of the Revolutionary United Front. London: Hurst & Columbia University Press.

Author: Aning K.

Category: BC-2010, Book Chapters, External Publications

Topic: Conflict Analysis and Mediation


West Africa Governance Monitoring Project: Liberia, Dakar: CODESRIA & OSIWA (with Tarway-Twalla, A. & Geegbae, G.A.).

Author: Jaye T.

Category: External Publications, R1-2011, Reports

Topic: Elections


West Africa’s Ebola Pandemic: Toward Effective Multilateral Responses to Health Crises. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, XXIII(2), pp. 225-244 (with Ifediora, O. F).

Author: Aning K.

Category: External Publications, JA-2017, Journal Articles

Topic: Ebola


West African Conflict Early Warning and Early Response System: The Role of Civil Society Organization.

Author: Opoku J. M.

Category: O-2007, Occcasional Papers

Topic: Conflict Prevention


When Drones Become UN Peacekeeping Staple

Author: Yepkle M.

Category: P-2017, Policy Briefs

Topic: Peacekeeping


Where Two or More Are Gathered in the Name of Politics: Addressing the Problem of Group Clashes in Ghana’s Elections. Briefing Paper XV(3) July 2015. Accra: Ghana.

Author: Danso S. O.

Category: External Publications, PRP-2015, Policy & Research Papers

Topic: Elections


Youths in Peacebuilding: Paths towards Reintegration for Repentant Extremists

Author: Aning K., Birikorang E.

Category: O-2022

Topic: Peacebuilding
