Logistics in Peace Support Operations Course in Session

The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), in partnership with the German Government, launched the second edition of its ten-day Logistics in Peace Support Operations Course.

The specialized program brought together a diverse group of 20 participants from nine African countries. The group comprised military personnel, police officers, and civilians, all united by a common goal, to strengthen logistics capabilities in peace support operations.

The program aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and mindset required to effectively manage the logistical aspects of peace support missions, from planning and deployment to successful completion.

The Deputy Director of Training at KAIPTC welcomed the participants, emphasizing the crucial role of logistics in ensuring swift and efficient deployments.

He highlighted that by enhancing the capacity of logistics personnel through training, peace support operations can react more promptly, minimizing the time between decision-making and deployment upon funding approval.

The Deputy German Ambassador to Ghana, Sivine Jansen, in her remarks, underscored the importance of African-led solutions for African challenges. She emphasized the German government’s commitment to supporting this objective and encouraged participants to seize the opportunity to build expertise and lasting professional networks.