mai 29, 2024

The Media and Maritime Security Information Dissemination in Africa: The Cases of Sierra Leone and Senegal

mars 29, 2017

Envisioning a Future African Union: Exploring Collaborative Ventures with the EU & the UN. In: R. Sharamo & C. Ayagafac, eds. The State of Human Security in Africa: An Assessment of Institutional Preparedness. Pretoria: ISS Monograph 185.

mars 29, 2017

Breaking-Up A Monolithic State: Reflections of Unarmed Ghanaian Military Observers in Kosovo and Bosnia. New York: New York University.

mars 29, 2017

Different Missions, Different Mandates:A Comparative Assessment of Ghanaian Police Experiences in UN Peacekeeping Since 1960. New York: New York University/Carnegie Foundation.

mars 29, 2017

The Role of the Police in UNAMID. ISS Monograph, Issue 190 (with Caparini, M; Davies, OV; Dessu, MK & Peter, M).