mars 28, 2017

Understanding the Nature and Threats of Drug Trafficking to National and Regional Security in West Africa. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development, III(1)(8), pp. 1-13.

mars 28, 2017

Peackeeping Economies in a Sub-Regional Context: The Paradigmatic Cases of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d’Ivoire. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, IX(3), pp. 391-407.

mars 28, 2017

An Evolving Security Dilemma:Adopting a Comprehensive Approach to Changing Dynamics of Terrorism in Africa. International Relations and Diplomacy, IV(2), pp. 85-94.

mars 28, 2017

African Agency in R2P: Interventions by African Union and ECOWAS in Mali, Cote D’Ivoire, and Libya. International Studies Review XVIII(1), pp. 120-133.

mars 28, 2017

Critical Perspectives on Transnational Criminality in West Africa. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies. XVII(2), pp. 70-85.