mars 28, 2017

Islamic Radicalization and Violence in Liberia. Conflict, Security and Development Journal, XIII(2), pp. 191-208 (with Alao, A.).

mars 28, 2017

HIV/AIDS Dimensions of Disarmement, Demobilization (DDR) and Security Sector Reform (SSR) Processes in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. International Peacekeeping, XX(IV), pp. 507-520.

mars 28, 2017

Sustaining Peace and Stability in Ghana: Appraising the Role of the National Election Security Task Force in the 2012 Elections. Journal of African Elections, XII(2), pp. 132-153.

mars 28, 2017

China’s Foray into African Security and the Question of Non-Interference. African East-Asian Affairs, Issue 3, pp. 9-30.

mars 28, 2017

The Challenge and Usefulness of R2P in the Syrian Context.