mai 22, 2017

ECOWAS Experience. In: International Seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution. Islamabad: National University of Sciences and Technology, pp. 54-60. [Online]

mai 22, 2017

The Economics of Militancy and Islamic Extremism in the Sahel. In: Political Stability and Security in West and North Africa: Highlights from the Conference. s.l.: Canada Security Intelligence Service, pp. 95-99. Edu Afful, F., 2014. ECOWAS Experience. In: International Seminar on Peace and Conflict Resolution. Islamabad: National University of Sciences and Technology, pp. 54-60. [Online]

mai 22, 2017

Liberia’s TRC: Contexts, Mandates and Challenges. [Online]

mai 22, 2017

Jane’s Moment of Shame: A Call to Stop Human Trafficking. [Online]

mai 22, 2017

Nepal, the Earthquake and the Post-2015 Development Agenda. GCSP Newsletter, Issue 9 & GCSP Global Insight, 10 June 2015. [Online]