juin 1, 2017

Africa and Transnational Organized Crime: Financing Insecurity and Narco-Terrorism. In: T. Murithi, ed. Handbook of Africa’s International Relations. London: Routledge, pp. 272-281.

juin 1, 2017

West Africa’s Ebola Pandemic: Toward Effective Multilateral Responses to Health Crises. Global Governance: A Review of Multilateralism and International Organizations, XXIII(2), pp. 225-244 (with Ifediora, O. F).

juin 1, 2017

Regional Conflicts and Cross-Border Activities Fuelled by Criminal and Terrorist Networks in Africa. In: P. Aall & C. A. Crocker, eds. Minding the Gap: African Conflict Management in A Time of Change. Waterloo: CIGI Publications, pp. 119-132.

juin 1, 2017

Liberia: Setting Priorities for Post Conflict Reconstruction. Journal of Security Sector Management, I(3), pp. 1-6.

mai 31, 2017

Ghana in 2013. In: A Decade of Ghana: Politics, Economy and Society 2004-2013. Leiden & Boston: Brill, pp. 136-148.