mai 2, 2017

Taking Stock of the Responsibility to Protect in Africa: Challenges, Prospects, and Priorities for the Next Decade. Policy Dialogue Brief (The Stanley Foundation) (with Porter, K.), 6 March 2015.

mai 2, 2017

Where Two or More Are Gathered in the Name of Politics: Addressing the Problem of Group Clashes in Ghana’s Elections. Briefing Paper XV(3) July 2015. Accra: Ghana.

mai 2, 2017

The Deployment and Vandalization of Political Party Posters: The Case of Ghana’s 2012 Elections. Elections Policy Brief # 1 July 2015. Accra: Ghana Center for Democratic Development (with Mensah, K. A).

mars 29, 2017

Japan-Africa Relations: Applying the Asian Development Experience to Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Cornell University Institute for African Development Occasional Paper Series, Issue 14 (with Osei-Hwedie, B.Z.).

mars 29, 2017

Integrating Gender in Peacekeeping Training: An Approach from the ECOWAS Subregion. Gender and Peacebuilding in Africa Occasional Paper, Issue 2. Cape Town, Dakar, Nairobi & Oxford: Pambazuka Press (with Alaga, E.).