mai 2, 2017

Security Dimensions of Political Transitions in Ghana. Accra: UNDP Ghana Policy Paper.

mai 2, 2017

Managing Expectations and Tensions in Ghana’s Oil-Rich Western Region. Johannesburg: SAIIA Policy Briefing 55.

mai 2, 2017

Ghana: The Land Question in El Dorado. Dakar: Institute for Strategic Studies (with Kabran, E. & Onoma, A.).

mai 2, 2017

Normative Changes in Peacekeeping Operations: How Much are Current Norms and Practices Challenged? Africa’s Resistance to Peacekeeping’s Normative Change. Zurich & Geneva: CSS at ETH Zurich & GCSP.

mai 2, 2017

The Role of RECs in Peacebuilding in Africa: Past Experiences & the Way Forward. Center for Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa. Cairo Policy Briefs No (3), November 2014.