mai 6, 2017

Confronting Hybrid Threats in Africa: Improving Multidimensional Responses. In: C. de Coning, L. Gelot & J. Karlsrud, eds. The Future of African Peace Operations: From Janjaweed to Boko Haram. London: Zed Books, pp. 20-37.

mai 6, 2017

Mali. In: L. R. Cleary, T. German & M. Craig, eds. Security Sector Horizon Scanning 2016 – West Africa. Shrivenham: Cranfield University.

mai 6, 2017

Liberia’s Security Sector Legislation. Geneva: DCAF.

mai 6, 2017

Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (with De Carvalho, B., Kasumba, Y. & Okumu, W. eds.).

mai 6, 2017

ECOWAS and the Dynamics of Conflict and Peace-building. Dakar: CODESRIA (with Garuba, D. & Amadi, S. eds.).