mai 22, 2017

The African Union and Civil Society Organizations: Defining an Emerging Relationship?. In: W. Feichtinger, U. Werther-Pietsch & G. Barnet, eds. Coordinated, Complementary and Coherent Action in Fragile Situations–The Vienna 3 C Conference. Vienna: Austrian Defence Academy.

mai 22, 2017

EU-AU Missions in Africa: Lessons Learned and Future Scenarios. In: N. Pirozzi, ed. Ensuring Peace and Security in Africa: Implementing the New Africa-EU Partnership and Developing Cooperation. Rome: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

mai 22, 2017

Violent Non-State Actors. In: K. Mulaj, ed. Sierra Leone: Understanding the Character and Politics of the Revolutionary United Front. London: Hurst & Columbia University Press.

mai 22, 2017

Understanding the Relationship between the UN, EU and AU in African Peacekeeping. In: B. De Carvalho, T. Jaye, Y. Kasumba & W. Okumu, eds. Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, pp. 45-55.

mai 22, 2017

Understanding the Nexus between Human Security and Small Arms in Africa: The Case of Ghana. In: A. Abass, ed. Protecting Human Security in Africa. Oxford: OUP.