mai 22, 2017

Evalutating Electoral Processes and the State of Democracy in West Africa: The Case of Ghana. In: Dakar: Goree Institute of Democracy, pp. 158-185.

mai 22, 2017

Ghana: Recent History. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2010. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 546-550.

mai 22, 2017

DDR and SSR Process in Liberia: Prospects and Challenges. In: H. Baseda, ed. Crafting an African Security Architecture–Addressing Regional Peace and Conflict in the 21st Century. Burlington: Ashgate.

mai 22, 2017

Introduction. In: B. De Carvalho, T. Jaye, Y. Kasumba & W. Okumu, eds. Peacekeeping in Africa: The Evolving Roles of the African Union and Regional Mechanisms. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs., pp. 11-20 (with Okumu, W.).

mai 22, 2017

The African Union Peace and Security Architecture: Building a Viable Continental Conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping System. In: Europa Publications, ed. Africa South of the Sahara 2010. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 38-43.