mai 18, 2017

Ghana. In: P. H. Davies & K. C. Gustafon, eds. Intelligence Elsewhere: Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press.

mai 18, 2017

Negotiating the Pitfalls of Peace and Security in Africa and A New American Grand Strategy: African Union Peace and Security Architecture and the U.S. Africa Command. In: V. C. Franke & R. H. Dorff, eds. Conflict Management and Peacebuilding: Pillars of A New American Grand Strategy. Pennsylvania: United States Army War College Press, pp. 339-368.

mai 18, 2017

Ghana. In: A. Mehler, H. Melber & K. van Walraven, eds. Africa Yearbook: Politics, Economy and Society South of the Sahara in 2012. Boston, Amsterdam: Leiden, Koninklijke Brill NV, pp. 97-105.

mai 18, 2017

Forward. In: M. Eriksson & R. Kostic, eds. Mediation and Liberal Peacebuilding: Peace from the Ashes of War?. London: Routledge, pp. 14-15.

mai 18, 2017

An Overview of West Africa’s Security Situation. In: F. Casprini, S. Lunarelli & A. Marrone, eds. Flexible Frameworks-Beyond Borders: Understanding Regional Dynamics to Enhance Cooperative Security. Brussels: NATO Headquarters.