mai 18, 2017

Security Sector Governance in Liberia. In: A. R. Mustapha, ed. Conflict and Security Governance in West Africa. Abuja: Malthouse & CLEEN Foundation, p. 57-78.

mai 18, 2017

Lessons Learned and Best Practice from A Troubled Region: ECOWAS and the Development of the ECOWAS Standby Force. In: U. Engel & P. J. G, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddedness, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 89-110.

mai 18, 2017

The African Security Predicament. In: J. J. Hentz, ed. Routledge Handbook of African Security. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 9-20.

mai 18, 2017

‘Interrogating the Northern Problem’: Postcolony, Identity and Political (In)Stability in Cote d’Ivoire and Togo. In: S. J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & B. Mhlanga, eds. Bondage of Boundaries and Identity Politics in Postcolonial Africa: The ‘Northern Problem’ and Ethno-Futures. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa, pp. 100-116.

mai 18, 2017

A Case Study of Ghana. In: C. Kavanagh, ed. Getting Smart and Scaling Up: Responding to the Impact of Organized Crime of Governance in Developing Countries. New York: New York University Center on International Cooperation, pp. 97-134 (with Kwarkye, S.B.).