KAIPTC joins the United Nations to mark 75th Peacekeeping Day

Accra, 29th May 2023:  It has been 75 years of service and sacrifice of gallant men and women – peacekeepers – who, at the peril of their lives, bring hope, security and peace to local communities. Today, 29th May 2023, the United Nations (UN) is marking 75 of this dedicated service, and the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) is proud of its significant contributions to the field of peacekeeping. Recognized globally as a Centre of Excellence, the KAIPTC has played a pivotal role in training and empowering peacekeepers, fostering regional cooperation, and advancing peace and security in Africa.

Since its establishment in 1998, the KAIPTC has steadfastly worked towards the enhancement of peacekeeping efforts across the continent and beyond. Through its comprehensive training programs, the Centre has equipped thousands of military, police, and civilian personnel with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively contribute to peacekeeping operations in complex and challenging environments. The KAIPTC’s commitment to excellence and innovation in peacekeeping training has been instrumental in improving the capabilities of peacekeepers from various African nations. By promoting a holistic approach, the Centre ensures that Peacekeepers are equipped not only with technical skills but also with a deep understanding of conflict dynamics, human rights, gender equality, and civilian protection.

In addition to its training programmes, the KAIPTC actively engages in research, policy dialogue, and advocacy to bring attention to emerging peace and security challenges. Through partnerships with regional and international stakeholders, the Centre promotes knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and the exchange of experiences among peacekeeping practitioners. By contributing to invest in the capacity development of African peacekeepers, the KAIPTC contributes to the United Nations’ broader objectives of sustaining peace and preventing the recurrence of violence.

As the world faces evolving security threats, the Centre remains committed to its mission of fostering peace, security, and stability in Africa through quality training, education, research, and policy engagement.

On the occasion of the 75th UN Peacekeeping Day today, KAIPTC salutes and celebrates the grit of peacekeepers around the world. In spite of the ever-increasing challenges and risks, peacekeepers render dedicated service, and through their selflessness, ignite hope and bring light to the delicate embers of peace in conflict-ravaged communities. Especially, the Centre pays matchless respect to past and present peacekeepers who have fallen whiles serving.

From KAIPTC, a Centre ‘Where Peace begins’, the theme for the 75th anniversary – “Peace begins with me”- aligns exceptionally with its vision to contribute to a peaceful and secure Africa and world.

KAIPTC is most grateful to all its Partners and stakeholders for the fruitful partnership and collaboration towards consolidating peace and security in the sub-region, in Africa, and the world since its inception.


For further information, please contact the Corporate Affairs Unit of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) on + 233 244 642794. You can find the KAIPTC on Facebook, twitter and youtube as @kaiptcgh and on Instagram @kaiptc. You can further find out more about the KAIPTC on our website: www.kaiptc.org.