United Nations Staff Officer Course 2019 (UNSOC 19-1)
Conflict Management

Course Fee: The Course is fully sponsored by KAIPTC.
Terms and Conditions:
Cost of travel (non-Ghanaians only), accommodation and feeding for participants will be covered by the KAIPTC. (The course is fully sponsored by German Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs) CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 11th February 2019
Currently the world is facing a high number of armed conflicts all over the world. Especially Africa is battered by numerous of these conflicts, which hinder the continent on its way to peace, democracy and prosperity.
Peacekeeping Missions and Stabilisation Operations are the key instruments to deal with these inter and intra state conflicts. To make these missions successful, an efficient Mission HQ with sound structures and procedures as well as professional military, police and civilian staff is paramount. Therefor training of HQ personnel is the leverage for successful peace operations in the future.
Specific knowledge and skills are the key to master all the future challenges in these kind of operations.
The ability of civilian, police and military personnel to cooperate in an integrated HQ and perform duties in current operations and in operational planning in an integrated approach is the basis for successful peace operations.
The three-week United Nations Staff Officer Course is designed by and conducted at the KAIPTC to expose participants to relevant and current skills, expertise and best practices in the domain of staff duties. Emphasis will be placed on exploring and applying adult training methodologies relevant to key sessions. The course facilitation team will be composed of resource persons from the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Training Institutions in Africa and abroad, Ghanaian Police, Peacekeeping Practitioners, as well as academia among others.
The aim of the UNSOC Course is to train military, police and civilian Headquarters (HQ) Staff within the West Africa Sub region the ability to man/support the ECOWAS Standby Force, African Union or United Nations HQ. Staff of a Mission HQ should be trained in planning and decision making process. The course also aims to establish and foster regional cooperation and coordination between individuals and institutions engaged in ECOWAS, AU, UN and other institutional Peacekeeping Missions (PKM).
- The participant will understand the history and principles of UN Peacekeeping;
- The participant will understand the structure of UN Peacekeeping Missions and their components;
- The participant will understand the roles and tasks of the different components of a UN Peacekeeping Mission;
- The participant will understand the different functions in Peacekeeping Missions (DDR, SSR, Security etc.);
- The participants will be able to analyze complex situation in area of conflict;
- The participants will be able to work in different roles in HQs of UN Multidimensional Integrated Peacekeeping Mission;
- The participant will be able to adjust an existing concept of operation to a new situation and/or to adjust to evolving mission imperatives based on strategic guidance
Set at the operational level, the course targets a mixed group of middle and above leadership from the following:
- ECOWAS Standby Forces HQ Structure officials – military, police and civilians
- FHQ Individuals and members of ongoing peacekeeping missions;
- Government officials, operational level staffers and police;
- ECOWAS/AU/UN peacekeeping mission military personnel directly involved in operational planning and implementation of policies;
- Selected personnel by ECOWAS, AU, and UN Member States to be deployed in a Peacekeeping mission.
The selection process will strive to achieve gender balance of participants as much as possible. Military personnel should have a minimum of 70% participation. Expected military ranks are from Captain to Colonel or civilian/police from equivalent levels. These course will be conducted in English. The participants must be able to speak and write fluently in English. Additionally the applicants should have completed a national UN pre-deployment training and / or have proven expertise and experiences in the field of staff working.
The course is planned to cover the following modules:
- The UN System;
- The SC Resolution;
- Peacekeeping Mission;
- Mission, Force HQs;
- Components of UN PKM;
- Legal Framework – ROEs, SOFA, MOU, The UN Charter;
- HQ SOPs and Reporting;
- Role other players in PKM – AU / ECOWAS;
- Standards of Conduct, Gender, DDR, Security Sector Reform, Protection of Civilians, Public Info;
- Integrated and military planning for PKO;
- Role of PKM in Elections;
- Police work in missions;
- Mine Awareness
- Humanitarian Reconstruction Component
- Medical Support
- Road Safety
- Intelligence Process & Sharing
- UN Security System
- Force Generation;
- Logistics;
The problem-based learning approach will be used in the delivery of the 3-week residential course. Participants will play active roles in the learning process under the supervised guidance of a team of experienced facilitators. The course content will thus be delivered using a combination of tools such as: lectures, case studies, small group work exercises and table top exercise among others. During the final MAPEX coordination and cooperation among different branches within a Headquarter and with other partners in a multidimensional/integrated mission will be practiced by the students. The course will be conducted in English.
Interested applicants are requested to kindly fill and submit an online application form.
Course Capacity: 35 participants
Access the application form using the link
Contact at KAIPTC
Ms Marylyn Agblor
Course Coordination Officer
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201
Email: marylyn.agblor@kaiptc.org
Cdr Solomon Asiedu-Larbi
Course Director
Cell: +233 (0) 244260313
Email: Solomon.Asiedu-Larbi@kaiptc.org