Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Course
Peace and Security Studies

Course Fee: Non AU nominated participants attending this course are expected to pay a commitment fee of $500.00.
Course Aim
Indeed, other parts of the continent, particularly northern Africa, Eastern Africa and especially the Great Lakes region continue to suffer from considerable violence and instability from violent extremist which poses precarious socio-economic and enormous security challenges for the African continent. There are over 40 identified extremist groups and needless to say, keep increasing by the day leading to consistent growth in unemployment, corruption, poverty, social inequality, religious intolerance just to mention a few which makes it easier for these groups to recruit and radicalise their followers especially the youth. The course is aimed at building individual skills to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of personnel of the UN, AU, Regional and National Institutions to prevent and counter Violent Extremism.
Target Group
- African Union and other Region bodies
- UN Country Missions, Agencies, Funds, Programmes and Entities in Regions affected by PCVE
- Security agencies, Intelligence Agencies, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA’s) dealing with Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Africa
- Relevant Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO)/Civil Society Organisations actively participating or supporting PCVE programmes in conflict-affected or post-conflict African countries.
Course Content
- Explain the causes, processes and issues of Religious Radicalisation.
- Assess and classify the various perspectives of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Africa.
- To understand the importance of information management (Intelligence, Investigation and Surveillance) in the PCVE.
- To develop skills to Prevent & Counter Violent Extremism in Africa.
- Equipped participants with the tools to reintegrate violent extremists into the community.
Selection Process
The process will be as following:
- Selection Board will decide on shortlisted and waitlisted applications (end March 2018)
- Shortlisted candidates will be asked to confirm their seats bindingly
- Should not all shortlisted candidates confirm their seats, these will be offered to candidates on the waitlist on “first come first served” basis
Contact at KAIPTC
Mrs Marylyn Agblor
Training Coordination Officer
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201
Mr Augustine Owusu
Course Director
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200