Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution Online Course

About the Course
The Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre with collaboration with the Peace Operations Training Institute offers a course on Peacekeeping and International Conflict Resolution. The course explores the significant areas that will improve responses to today’s complex emergencies, including conflict analysis and mapping, early warning and conflict prevention, contingency and complementary approaches, inter-agency coordination, post-conflict peace-building and reconciliation, cultural understanding, and gender. This course also explores the emergence and development of the academic discipline of Conflict Resolution and its relation to the evolution of peacekeeping. The contributions of Conflict Resolution theory and practice to peacekeeping are identified early on and considered throughout the course. The nature of conflict and the dynamics of contemporary conflict are defined, along with the key concepts and techniques for resolving conflict.
Course Content / Modules
- Emergence & Development of the Field of Conflict Resolution
- The Nature of Conflict & Contemporary Conflict Dynamics
- Evolution & Growth of Peacekeeping
- Conflict Resolution: Key Concepts, Skills & Techniques
- Conflict Analysis & Confilct Mapping
- Early Warning & Conflict Prevention
- Culture, Conflict Resolution & Peacekeeping
Learning Method
The course is self-paced with each module taking approximately 45-70 minutes to view. Each module consists of text, images, infographics, audios, videos, case studies, self-tests and quizzes.
Relevant Information
The course is available in English ONLY
How to apply
Rate: Free
Interested applicants should enroll / apply via the KAIPTC LMS
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