Military Observers’ Pre-Deployment Course for Guinea Bissau Armed Forces
Conflict Management

The proliferation of conflicts around the world especially in Africa has demanded a correspondingly increased involvement of the United Nations and regional bodies in these conflict areas through peacekeeping missions. These missions, especially those mandated to address multidimensional challenges in deteriorating and fragile security environments usually present complicated and often dangerous working environments for the Experts on Mission of the UN and regional bodies. This has provoked the need to ensure that military officers who deploy into missions in such complex environments are sufficiently trained to function effectively in their roles. The diversity of peacekeepers also implies that training standards as established by the UN are necessarily adopted in preparing the personnel to enhance their functionality in the mission.
The Military Observers’ Pre-deployment Course for Guinea Bissau Armed Forces is therefore designed to build the capacity of selected military officers to operate as Military Observers in UN or Regional Peace operations when so deployed. The course design is consistent with the UN pre-deployment training standards consisting of the Core Pre-Deployment Training Material and the Specialized Training Material for Military Experts on Mission.
Aim and Objectives of the Course
The overall aim of the course is to provide pre-deployment training to military officers of Guinea Bissau who are preparing to serve in UN or regional peacekeeping operations as Military Observers. The objectives of the course are to build the participants’ knowledge in the following areas:
- A Strategic Level Overview of UN Peacekeeping;
- The Establishment and Functioning of UN Peacekeeping Operations;
- Effective Mandate Implementation;
- Standards, Values and Safety of UN Peacekeeping Personnel;
- Investigation, Verification and DDR;
- Mediation, Negotiation and the Use of Language Assistants;
- Liaison and Media Relations;
- UN SOPs for reporting, correspondence drafting and briefing techniques;
Target Group
The course targets a group of 30 military officers from the ranks of captain to lieutenant colonel and their equivalents in the other services who are looking forward to be inserted in an operational theatre. Selection will strive to achieve gender balance of participants as much as possible.
Teaching Methodology
The Problem-Based Learning approach will be used in the delivery of the course hence course participants will play an active role under the guidance of an experienced team of facilitators. The course content will thus be delivered using a combination of tools such as lectures, case studies, small group works, exercises and simulation among others.
Selection Process
The selection processwillbe done through direct nomination by the Armed Forces of Guinea Bissau. There will be no individual application for the course.
Relevant Facts
- Course capacity – 30 participants.
- Course will be delivered in Guinea Bissau.
- Facilitation team will be composed of resource persons from KAIPTC, the United Nations Mission in Guinea Bissau and the Armed Forces of Guinea Bissau.
How to Apply
Selected applicants are requested to kindly fill and submit an online application form by clicking the “How to apply” button.
Contacts at KAIPTC;
Ms Marylyn Akabutu
Course Coordinator
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201
Queries regarding the content of the course should be referred to
Col Emeka Ogili
Course Director
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext 1316.