Election Observation Training
Conflict Management

Course Fee: $1000.00 (Commitment Fee)
Terms and Conditions:
Participants attending this course are expected to cater for their travel expenses. Feeding and accommodation will be provided at the Centre for the duration of the programme. Participants are also required to have health insurance cover for the training period.
Course Aim
The overarching goal of the programme is to enhance the knowledge and technical capacity of experts in election observation in West Africa in particular and elsewhere on the continent as a whole. The objective is to facilitate an increase in the contribution of experts to ECOWAS’ efforts at preventing elections related conflict/violence and to help further democracy in the sub-region.
Target Group
- Electoral Stakeholders, Advocates and Actors
Course Content
- Democracy and Elections
- Election Management Bodies and Election Administration
- Election Observation
- Elections and Conflicts Prevention
- The Role of National and International Civil Society Groups in Election Observation
- Women, Gender and Election Observation
Contact at KAIPTC
Mrs Marylyn Agblor
Training Coordination Officer
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201
Email: marylyn.agblor@kaiptc.org
Email: training.coordination@kaiptc.org