Conflict Prevention Course 2025

Conflict Management

Course Duration: 02-13 June 2025
Application Date: - Apr 10, 2025
Course Fee: Participants will be required to pay a commitment fee of$500 for the course. Participants are to note this is not a course fee but a commitment. KAIPTC will be responsible for participants' accommodation and feeding during the period of the course.
Terms and Conditions:
  • Each participant will be required to take care of his or her travel expenses.
  • Participants will respect KAIPTC values during their stay at KAIPTC and also respect the laws of Ghana.
  • The course is residential, and the participants will be fed and accommodated at the KAIPTC.
  • The KAIPTC will NOT accept responsibility for individual medical, travel or other insurance. Participants are strongly advised to arrange their insurance coverage for the duration of the training.
In short
Course Date/Duration 2 – 13 June 2025 (Two Weeks).
Course Capacity 25 participants
Target Group See details below.
Course Language English
Application Deadline 10 April 2025



Since the end of the Cold War, Africa has experienced various forms of armed conflicts, which have claimed millions of lives and displaced many others either as refugees or internally displaced persons.  Some of these conflicts have led to the collapse of state and societal structures and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons amongst others.  Although efforts are being made at the levels of the African Union (AU) Commission and Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms to respond to conflict situations, much remains to be done to ensure that appropriate conditions are created to make the recurrence of such conflicts difficult, if not impossible.  In many countries across the continent, the conditions that lead to violent conflict are prevalent.  This partly explains why most people believe that military interventions and election related conflicts ought to have been confined to history globally, Africa still faces such threats.  The experiences in some African countries underscore the stark conflict realities on the continent.  Indications are that there are some countries in Africa where potential for similar kinds of conflict is rife.

As a contribution to the conflict prevention efforts of the AU and ECOWAS in particular, KAIPTC will run the Conflict Prevention Course from 2– 13 June 2025.  The core elements of the training will be drawn from the Conflict Prevention Resource Pack for Civilian Actors which was developed through a collaboration between KAIPTC and the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) with the support of the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), as a comprehensive civilian-driven operational strategy for conflict prevention and peacebuilding for West Africa in support of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF).


Course Aim

The overall aim of the course is to provide knowledge and expertise on conflict prevention through an understanding and explanation of the factors that cause and trigger conflicts.  Hence, the course will contribute to the implementation of the ECPF and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA)


Target Group

The course will target a mixed group of practitioners in the field and those who are looking forward to be inserted in an operational theatre.  Given the two-sided approach to the course, priority will be given to personnel working with communities on the frontlines, Non-Governmental Organizations, and multilateral organizations in ECOWAS member states.  The selection process will include personnel from the ECOWAS Standby Force (ESF), AU Commissions, and the United Nations.  Selection will as much as possible strive to achieve gender balance.


Course Content

This course puts the work of conflict prevention experts in context by offering an enhanced explanation of specific methods and techniques applied to preventing conflict.  The course content is in three modules covering seventeen lessons.  There will be an exercise at the end of the course to consolidate the modules/lessons covered during the course. The Course content includes the following:


  • Nature of the African State
  • Contemporary Security Challenges and Conflict Prevention
  • Introduction to Theories of Conflict
  • Early Warning and Early Response
  • Gender and Conflict Prevention
  • Conflict Analysis/Conflict Mapping
  • Youth and Conflict Prevention
  • Citizens, Governance and Conflict Prevention
  • Community and Conflict Prevention
  • Media, Communication, and Conflict Prevention
  • Rule of Law and Transitional Justice
  • Preventing Violent Extremism
  • Human Rights Theory and Practice
  • Indigenous Approaches to Conflict Prevention
  • Security Sector Reforms
  • Natural Resource Governance and Conflict Prevention
  • Elections, Democracy and Conflict


Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Have a Sound and comprehensive understanding of key issues relating to the causes, nature and context of conflict, theories of conflict as well as conflict mapping.
  • Understand the existing and emerging mechanisms for preventing and resolving conflicts in Africa.
  • Familiarize themselves with the challenges facing actors involved in the complex and politically sensitive process of conflict resolution.
  • Know the conflict drivers as well as other critical issues and actors that relate to conflict prevention.



Teaching Method

The Collaborative Problem-Based Learning approach will be used in the delivery of the course hence course participants will play an active role under the guidance of an experienced team of facilitators.  The course content will thus be delivered using a combination of tools such as lectures, case studies, small group works, brainstorming and exercises.


Selection Process

After the deadline, the selection board will meet and decide selection based on merit and a balanced class composition. The selection will be as follow:

  • The Selection Board will decide on shortlisted and waitlisted applications.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be asked to confirm their seats bindingly.
  • Should not all shortlisted candidates confirm their seats, these will be offered to candidates on the waitlist on a “first come first served” basis.



Interested applicants are requested to kindly click on the “How to Apply” button in order to fill and submit the online application form. Only FULLY COMPLETED applications that are submitted via the application portal will be taken into consideration.




For administrative issues:

Mrs Marylyn Agblor
Training Coordinator
Tel.  [233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012] Fax. [233 (0) 302 718201] Email: or

For course content issues only:

Colonel Prince David Obot

Course Director


Telephone: [233 (0) 205954931]

Mobile: [233 (0) 535222070]