Advanced Stabilisation and Reintegration Course (ASR) 19
Peace Support Operations

Relevant Facts
- Course capacity – 30 participants.
- KAIPTC residential accommodation for all participants.
- Facilitation team will be composed of resource persons from KAIPTC, UNDP, DPKO, AU, Transition International etc.
- Estimated budget cost will be covered by the GIZ support project at the Centre.
- Successful applicants will be expected be responsible for their travel to the KAIPTC.
- Proof of Medical Travel Insurance cover for the duration of training in Ghana.
- Participants will be responsible for their travel expenses.
- Participants coming from UN/AU missions will be required to make a 15-20 minutes presentation on the reintegration programme in their missions.
Overall Course Aims
The Course aims at enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of UN, Regional, Sub-regional, National and other institutions to perform peace operations, through building individual skills properly reflecting new developments in Stabilisation and Reintegration (S&R).
This will be done by providing participants with a comprehensive, conceptual and operational level understanding principles, procedures and up-to-date practices involved in the planning, coordination and conduct of S&R programmes.
Target Group
The target group of this course will be planners and implementers of S&R programmes, including personnel from the following organisations:
- Line ministries/government departments/agencies and commissions involved with S&R.
- UN country missions, agencies, funds, programmes and entities.
- AU and other regional and sub-regional bodies.
- Development and bilateral organizations working on S&R.
- Relevant NGOs/Civil Society Organisations, Universities and academic institutions actively participating or supporting S&R programmes in conflict-affected or post-conflict African countries.
Eligibility Criteria
This course targets operational personnel who are involved in Stabilisation & Reintegration processes of DDR. Applicants are required to have at least one of the criteria listed below:
- Possess at least one year experience in S&R related work.
- Must be currently involved in S&R practice work.
- Must be working closely with S&R practitioners in any conflict-affected or post-conflict African country.
- Has attended a DDR foundation course.
Preference will be given to applicants having a working knowledge of the English language, both written and oral skills since the course will only be delivered in English. Women are highly encouraged to apply.
Application deadline
Application Deadline: 5th May, 2019
How to Apply
Only fully completed applications that are submitted via the application portal will be taken into consideration.
Please click to apply here:
further enquiries should be emailed to the Course Director:
Contact at KAIPTC
Mrs Marylyn Agblor
Training Coordination Officer
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201