KAIPTC Conducts Baseline Study to Inform New Strategic Plan

KAIPTC undertook a comprehensive baseline study to guide the implementation of its new strategic plan.

Led by the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, the study was conducted in seven African countries, namely, Burkina Faso, Mali, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia, Nigeria, and Ghana, from August to December 2024.

With support from GIZ and Norway, KAIPTC engaged with key stakeholders, including government institutions, regional and international organizations, civil society organizations, and other beneficiaries, to assess the current state of peace and security in these countries.

The baseline study will measure KAIPTC’s current impact on the African continent andhelp establish a baseline for the New Strategic Plan through the development of new programs and activities that address the specific needs of vulnerable societies.

Through this study, the Centre aims to set benchmarks, indicators, and targets to monitor the progress of its programs and initiatives, and to evaluate the implementation of its strategic plan against expected outcomes.

KAIPTC hopes the baseline study will strengthen its ability to contribute to sustainable peace and security in Africa.