WEBINAR 2: “Influencing and Leading Change”

24 March 2022, MS Teams


A. Background

Change is a fact of life. In many situations, change can be anticipated, while there are instances where change cannot be preempted. The ability of a leader to lead his or her team through change and ensure learning and achieve group cohesion at the end is a mark of leadership. Where change is welcomed, there is collaboration from team members or stakeholders when leading change. However, the test of leadership is being able to lead change where change is not welcomed and where it could not have been anticipated.

For women leading in male dominated spaces, such as the peace and security environment, the mere nature of their work space often creates a layer of challenges. Leading change as a woman in such spaces require tack and skill. Similarly for people who work to promote WPS agenda, successfully implementing the agenda requires change to the policies and procedures within organizations and communities. As such, gender and WPS champions must be empowered with the requisite skill and knowledge to influence change within their spaces.

Participants will learn how to develop practical approaches towards influencing and leading change with a focus on leading change with the context of the Women Peace and Security Agenda.

B. Goal:

The second webinar is designed to provide participants with knowledge and skill to enable them to become change influencers and change leaders.

C. Objectives

The specific objectives are as follows:

  1. Participants will gain knowledge and skills on how to influence and lead change.
  2. Participants will gain knowledge on how to influence and lead change in a hostile environment.
  3. Participants will gain knowledge on how use the Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda as a tool to influence and lead change.

D. Output

Participants will have the knowledge and skill set to use the WPS agenda as a tool to influence change.