Fee Paying Short Courses in Artificial Intelligence, Leadership and Management in Security Organisations & Conflict Analysis and Mediation introduced to the General Public.

The KAIPTC has introduced three (3) fee-paying courses to meet the growing demand for peace and security education. The courses are Artificial Intelligence in Peacebuilding; Leadership and Management in Security Organisations; and Conflict Analysis and Mediation (CAM)

The Artificial Intelligence in Peacebuilding course

seeks to provide participants with a holistic understanding of the potential of AI in peacebuilding, backed by both knowledge and skills, making them competent to employ AI strategies in their respective areas.

The course is tailored for professionals involved in peace-building activities in Ghana. They include government officials, civil society, traditional and religious leaders, researchers and academics, practitioners in Peace and Conflict Resolution and defence and security sector actors.




The Conflict Analysis and Mediation Course is for professionals involved in peace-building activities in Ghana, including but not limited to government officials, civil society, traditional and religious leaders, researchers and academics, practitioners in peace and conflict resolution and defence and security sector actors and covers modules in Gender and CAM, negotiation and mediation







The Leadership and Management in Security Organisation course targets private security institutions and professionals, aspiring security professionals, former security officers, law enforcement officers, security guards and HR Personnel in private security organizations and seeks to improve their leadership and management skills of persons within the security industry



Participants will benefit from a unique learning environment that combines theoretical knowledge with practical case studies and interactive exercises. The courses will also create the platform for participants to network, exchange ideas and experiences to foster innovative approaches in their respective fields.  All courses are open for applications. For further information please visit the KAIPTC website at www.kaiptc.org