Call for Applications: Conflict Prevention Course (CPC 18)

Call for Applications: Conflict Prevention Course (CPC 18)


Since the end of the Cold War, Africa has experienced various forms of armed conflicts which have claimed millions of lives and displaced many others either as refugees or internally displaced persons. Some of these conflicts, mostly intra-state, have also led to the collapse of state and societal structures; have destroyed the fragile economies of many countries with adverse impact on the social conditions of the people; and have bequeathed terrible legacies of traumatized populations, ethnic hatred, banditry, and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons amongst others. The cases of Somalia, Liberia, Libya, Sierra Leone, DR Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Guinea Bissau, Sudan and Mali are examples.

Although efforts are being made at the levels of the African Union (AU) Commission and Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms to respond to conflict situations, much remains to be done to ensure that appropriate conditions are created to make the recurrence of such conflicts difficult, if not impossible. In many countries across the continent, the conditions that lead to violent conflict are prevalent; pervasive poverty, unemployment particularly among the youth population, bad governance, exclusive politics, unconstitutional hold to political power, corruption and other mal-practices are the order of the day. This partly explains why at a time that most people believe that military interventions and election related conflicts ought to have been confined to history globally, Africa still faces such threats. The experiences in Guinea, Niger, Burkina Faso, Guinea Bissau, La Cote d’Ivoire, Burundi and most recently The Gambia and Zimbabwe, are a few examples which underscore the stark conflict realities on the continent. Indications are that there are a lot more countries in Africa where potentials for similar kinds of conflict are rife.

As a contribution to the conflict prevention efforts of the African Union and ECOWAS in particular, KAIPTC plans to conduct the 7th in a series of Conflict Prevention Courses from 9 – 20 July 2018. The core elements of the training will be drawn from the Conflict Prevention Resource Pack for Civilian Actors which was developed through a collaboration between KAIPTC and the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) with the support of the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), as a comprehensive civilian-driven operational strategy for conflict prevention and peacebuilding for West Africa in support of the ECOWAS Conflict Prevention Framework (ECPF).


Course Duration/ Description

The Conflict Prevention Course will be a two-week residential course to be held at the KAIPTC. It will be conducted in English and will be based on the Problem Based Learning Methodology. The course will take a binary approach which will basically explore both the preventive and post conflict aspects of peacebuilding.


Aim and Objectives of the Course

The overall aim of the course is to provide knowledge and expertise on conflict prevention through an understanding and explanation of the factors that cause and trigger conflicts. Hence the course will contribute to the implementation of the ECPF and the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA)


Target Group

The course will target a mixed group of 30 practitioners in the field and those who are looking forward to be inserted in an operational theatre. In view of the two-sided approach to the course, priority will be given to personnel working with communities on the frontlines, Non-Governmental Organizations and multilateral organizations in ECOWAS member states with special emphasis on Niger, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Togo, Benin, Burkina Faso, The Gambia, Cote D’Ivoire, Guinea, Ghana and Nigeria. The selection process will also strive to include personnel from the ECOWAS (ESF) and AU Commissions, and United Nations with the European Union as observers. Selection will strive to achieve gender balance of participants as much as possible.


Course Content

  1. New Wars, Conflict and Multidimensional Peacekeeping – A methodological approach
  2. The Nature of the African State
  3. Women and Conflict Prevention
  4. Risk and Vulnerability Assessment
  5. Natural Resource Governance and Conflict Prevention
  6. Media, Communication and Conflict Prevention
  7. Security Sector Systems and Conflict Prevention
  8. Citizens, Governance and Conflict Prevention
  9. Elections, Democracy and Conflict Prevention
  10. Rule of Law and Transitional Justice
  11. Human Rights, Theory and Practice


Teaching Methodology

The Problem-Based Learning approach will be used in the delivery of the course hence course participants will play an active role under the guidance of an experienced team of facilitators.  The course content will thus be delivered using a combination of tools such as lectures, case studies, small group works, exercises and simulation among others.


Selection Process

The selection process will involve submission of bio-data through the KAIPTC application portal after which applicants will be shortlisted. Depending on the number of applicants, there could be a second phase of the selection process which will involve the submission of a 600-word commentary paper on a topical peace and security issue to be determined by the Course Director. The results from the submission of this paper will count in the final selection of participants.


Relevant Facts

  • Course capacity – 30 participants.
  • KAIPTC residential accommodation for all participants.
  • Facilitation team will be composed of resource persons from KAIPTC, NGOs, Conflict Prevention Practitioners and Mediators as well as academics among others.


Cost of travel, accommodation and feeding for participants will be covered by the KAIPTC. To attend the course, selected applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable course fee of $500.00 at least 3 weeks before the course assembles. However, participants coming from outside the African continent will be responsible for their travel expenses as well.


How to Apply

Interested applicants are requested to kindly fill and submit an online application form. Access the application form using the link here.


Contacts at KAIPTC

Ms Marylyn Akabutu
Course Coordinator
Tel.  00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201


Queries regarding the content of the course should be referred to

Col Emeka Ogili
Course Director
Tel. 00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1316