Call for Applications: Advance Stabilisation & Reintegration Course ( ASR – 2018)

Call for Applications: Advance Stabilisation & Reintegration Course ( ASR – 2018)



The process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration takes place in a continuum. This means that while some activities occur in the short term, others are more mid to long term and are situated in the longer term state building and state consolidation phase of peacebuilding, Originally known as the Advanced DDR course, the focus, scope and objectives of the course has been changed in line with the increase in stabilisation and reintegration programmes in Africa and the work undertaken by the Inter-Agency Working Group on Disaster Preparedness and the AU’s Operational Guide for DDR. In line with the new focus, the aim of the course is to enhance capacity and effectiveness of all stakeholders involved with Stabilisation and Reintegration (S&R) programmes.

The course covers: Conflict Stabilisation & DDR; Reintegration, Assessments & Analysis; Design and Operationalisation of Reintegration; Economic Reintegration; Social & Psychosocial Reintegration; Reintegration of Specific Need Groups.


Overall Course Aims

The Course aims at enhancing the capacity and effectiveness of UN, Regional, Sub-regional, National and other institutions to perform peace operations, through building individual skills properly reflecting new developments in Stabilisation and Reintegration (S&R).

This will be done by providing participants with a comprehensive, conceptual and operational level understanding principles, procedures and up-to-date practices involved in the planning, coordination and conduct of S&R programmes.


Learning Objective

  1. Understand the concepts, policies and strategies of S&R;
  2. Identify and suggest solutions to the problematic components, activities and other issues related to S&R;
  3. Develop options to engage the different actors and institutions involved in S&R;
  4. Understand the new trends in peace operations affecting Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) approaches and policies.
  5. Develop practical skills needed to plan and implement S&R programmes.


Target Group

The target group of this course will be planners and implementers of S&R programmes, including personnel from the following organisations:

  1. Line ministries/government departments/agencies and commissions involved with S&R.
  2. UN country missions, agencies, funds, programmes and entities.
  3. AU and other regional and sub-regional bodies.
  4. Development and bilateral organizations working on S&R.
  5. Relevant NGOs/Civil Society Organisations, Universities and academic institutions actively participating or supporting S&R programmes in conflict-affected or post-conflict African countries.


Eligibility Criteria

This course targets operational personnel who are involved in Stabilisation & Reintegration processes of DDR.  Applicants are required to have at least one of the criteria listed below:

  1. Possess at least one year experience in S&R related work.
  2. Must be currently involved in S&R practice work.
  3. Must be working closely with S&R practitioners in any conflict-affected or post-conflict African country.
  4. Has attended a DDR foundation course.

Preference will be given to applicants having a working knowledge of the English language, both written and oral skills since the course will only be delivered in English. Women are highly encouraged to apply.



The Problem-Based Learning approach, suitable for adult learning, will be used in the delivery of the course and participants will be required to play an active role under the guidance of an experienced team of facilitators.  The course content will thus be delivered using a combination of approaches such as PowerPoint presentations, lectures, case study, small group exercises, stories, experience sharing and simulation, among others.


Relevant Facts

  1. Course capacity – 30 participants.
  2. KAIPTC residential accommodation for all participants.
  3. Facilitation team will be composed of resource persons from KAIPTC, UNDP, DPKO, AU, Transition International etc.
  4. Estimated budget cost will be covered by the GIZ support project at the Centre.
  5. Successful applicants will be expected to pay a commitment fee of USD 500 at least 3 weeks before the course assembles. (This fee is non-refundable).
  6. Proof Medical Travel Insurance cover for the duration of training in Ghana.
  7. Participants will be responsible for their travel expenses.
  8. Participants coming from UN/AU missions will be required to make a 15-20 minutes presentation on the reintegration programme in their missions.


How to Apply

Only fully completed applications that are submitted via the application portal will be taken into consideration. Please click here to apply. Further enquiries should be emailed to the Course Director (see contact below)


Contact at KAIPTC

Mrs Marylyn Agblor
Training Coordination Officer
Tel.  00 233 (0) 302 718200 Ext. 1012
Fax. 00 233 (0) 302 718201


Mr. Augustine Owusu
Course Director
Tel.  00 233 (0) 302 718200