mai 18, 2017

Challenges and Opportunities for the AU’s Peace and Security Council: A Critical Reflection from a Regime Analytical Perspective. In: U. Engel & J. G. Porto, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddednes, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey; Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 209-226.

mai 10, 2017

Managing African Security and Change in the Age of Neoliberalism. In: N. Poku, ed. Africa in the Age of Neoliberalism-Politics and Change since 1980. London: Ashgate.

mai 6, 2017

Resurrecting the Police Council in Ghana. In: A. Bryden & F. Chappuis, eds. Learning from West African Experiences in Security Sector Governance. London: Ubiquity Press, pp. 32-51.

mai 2, 2017

ECOWAS and Conflict Prevention in West Africa: Confronting the Triple Threats. New York: Center on International Cooperation, New York University (with Bah, S.A.).

mars 28, 2017

Security, the War on Terror and Official Development Assistance. Critical Studies on Terrorism, III(1), pp. 7-26.