December 7, 2022

Third Phase of the Danish Maritime Security Programme for the Gulf of Guinea (DMSP 3) takes off

A five-year project (2022-2026) – Integrated Responses to Threats to Maritime Safety and Security in the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) Maritime Domain in West and Central Africa – is being […]
December 7, 2022

Fourteenth edition of the Maritime Security and Transnational Organized Crime (MSTOC) Course held

For most countries in Africa, limited maritime capacities remain a challenge for law enforcement agencies. In the quest to expose participants to relevant and current skills and best practices in […]
December 7, 2022

Twelfth edition of the Protection of Civilians (PoC) in Armed Conflict Course comes off from 10th – 12th October, 2022

Civilian populations bear the greatest brunt of today’s complex and intractable conflicts. This changing nature of conflicts has necessitated both doctrinal and operational shifts in peace support operations. As part […]
December 7, 2022

Security update on security situation in West Africa and The Sahel

The 2012 security situation in Mali has evolved over the years in terms of frequency, lethality, complexity and in recent developments geographical location. Security analysts have warned of an increase […]