September 6, 2017

Defence Minister opens Two-Week Course at KAIPTC

Accra, 4th September, 2017: The Honorable Minister for Defence, Ghana, Mr. Dominic Nitiwul, has opened a two week course at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), on “Managing Defence in a Wider Security Context”. The course which seeks to enable representatives from across the security sector to contribute to the development, implementation and review of national security and defence policies, is aimed, among others, at facilitating inter-ministerial co-ordination on security and defence issues.
September 6, 2017

KAIPTC’s Women, Peace and Security Institute holds Sensitization and Review Workshop for Security Agencies on the Ghana National Action Plan (GHANAP I), 1325

Accra, 22 August, 2017: The Women, Peace and Security Institute (WPSI) of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MoGCSP) have organized a one-day workshop for security agencies. Held on Tuesday, 22nd August, 2017 at KAIPTC, the objective was to review and sensitize security agencies, primarily female officers, on the Ghana National Action Plan (GHANAP I). Other aims of the workshop was to identify gaps with regards to the implementation of GHANAP I and to offer participants an opportunity to make constructive inputs into the development of the next National Action Plan.
August 18, 2017


The Centre will auction the following boarded items on Wednesday 23 Aug 17 at 1000hrs at KAIPTC. Vehicles General stores such as cartridges, toners etc Library Newspapers Furniture’s including assorted tables and chairs
August 17, 2017

National Security Minister lauds introduction of Countering Violent Extremism Course at KAIPTC

Accra, 14th August 2017: There is no doubt that violent extremism continues to pose daunting security challenges and undermines continental, regional and national peace and security. It is against this background that the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), and the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT/CAERT), is collaborating to organize the maiden Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Course, aimed at building capacities in preventing and countering violent extremism in Africa. The Minister for National Security, Hon. Albert Kan-Dapaah, in his opening address, expressed his delight over the introduction of the course, which he believes will immensely benefit the African continent, “I am particularly excited about this course, in view of the huge threat that violent extremism and terrorism poses to all nations around the world and especially the African Continent”, he said.
August 17, 2017

Lack of skills set is major contributor to Cyber Security challenges – Communications Minister

Accra, 14 August, 2017: The Minister for Communications, Hon. Mrs. Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has pointed out that the unavailability of the critical competencies to deal with cyber security issues, is a primary cause of increased global challenges in the fight against cyber security. Hon Owusu-Ekuful cited a 2017 Global Information Security Workforce Study - Benchmarking Workforce Capacity and Response to Cyber Risk conducted by Frost & Sullivan early this year, which notes that sixty-six percent of organizations identified the lack of skillset in addressing cyber threats as a major challenge. The study further projected cyber security workforce shortage at 1.8 million by the year 2022.