Internal Faculty

Dr. Emmanuel Kwesi Aning
Professor Kwesi Aning is the Director, Faculty of Academic Affairs & Research, Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre, Ghana and Clinical Professor of Peacekeeping Practice at Kennesaw State University, Atlanta. He holds a doctorate in Political Science from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark in 1998 and a BA (Hons) in History from the University of Ghana in 1986.
He has served with the African Union from 2005 to 2007 as the first continental Expert on the Common African Defence and Security Policy (CADSP) and Counter-terrorism located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with responsibility for the African Centre for the Study and Research on Terrorism (ACSRT). Subsequently, he served as a senior consultant to the Department of Political Affairs (DPA) of the UN in New York and wrote a Secretary-General's Report for the Security Council on 'The relationship between the UN and regional Organisations especially the African Union' in 2008.Furthermore, he serves on the World Economic Forum's (WEF) Council on Conflict Prevention. In 2006, he was appointed as the first independent evaluator of the UN’s Global Programme on Strengthening the Legal Regime against Terrorism. In 2014, he again wrote (together with Peter Allen) the second evaluation report on the UN's Global Report. In 2015, he was appointed by the UN Secretary General to serve as a member of his Advisory Group to the Peacebuilding Fund.
Dr. Aning has over 150 publications to his credit including books, book chapters, journal articles and policy briefs.
- Contemporary and Emerging Security issues: Perspectives on Emerging Security Issues (MA).
- Gender, Security Sector and Multi-Dimensional Peace Support Operations (MA).

Dr. Emma Birikorang
Dr. Emma Birikorang is the Acting Deputy Director and Programme Head for the Peace Support Operations Programme at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). She is currently undertaking research on African Peace and Security Mechanisms and ECOWAS/AU regional peacekeeping frameworks. She also facilitates training modules on Security Sector Reform, Protection of Civilians in Armed conflict, Risk Assessment and Conflict Vulnerability and the ECOWAS Standby Force.
She is currently undertaking research on African Peace and Security Mechanisms and ECOWAS/AU regional peacekeeping frameworks. She also facilitates training modules on Security Sector Reform, Protection of Civilians in Armed conflict, Risk Assessment and Conflict Vulnerability and the ECOWAS Standby Force. In addition, she teaches Research Methods/Writing Skills and Gender, Security Sector and Multi-Dimensional Peace Support Operations on the Master of Arts in Conflict, Peace and Security and in Gender, Peace and Security, respectively.
Dr Birikorang graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana with a BA (Social Science) Degree, and a Diplôme Universitaire d’Etude du Français from the University of Benin. She also has an MA in International Politics and Security Studies from the University of Bradford, UK and a PhD in Politics and International Studies from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
- Research Methods/Writing Skills (MA)
- Gender, Security Sector and Multi-Dimensional Peace Support Operations (MA).
- Birikorang, E., 2016. The Future of Peace Support Operations in Africa: The African Standby Force. In: E. Birikorang, T. Jaye & F. Okyere, eds. Annual Review of Peace Support Operations in Africa 2016. Accra: KAIPTC, pp. 243-253.
- Birikorang, E., January-March 2017. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume V (with Edu-Afful, F., Nelson, S. & Aubyn, F. K.).
- Birikorang, E., 2013. Coups d’état in Africa – A Thing of the Past? KAIPTC Policy Brief, Issue 2013/3.
- Birikorang, E., 2013. Ghana. In: P. H. Davies & K. C. Gustafon, eds. Intelligence Elswhere: Spies and Espionage Outside the Anglosphere. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (with Aning, K., & Lartey, E.).
- Birikorang, E., 2013. Lessons Learned and Best Practice from A Troubled Region: ECOWAS and the Development of the ECOWAS Standby Force. In: U. Engel & P. J. G, eds. Towards an African Peace and Security Regime: Continental Embeddedness, Transnational Linkages, Strategic Relevance. Surrey: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 89-110..

Dr. Kwaku Danso
Dr. Kwaku Danso is a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research (FAAR) of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC). Kwaku holds a Ph.D. in International Conflict Management from the Kennesaw State University, and an MSc in African Studies from the University of Edinburgh. He also has a BA in Political Science with Sociology from the University of Ghana.
His Ph.D. dissertation titled “Rebuilding Relationships after Civil War: Relational Justice and Ex-Combatant Reintegration in Liberia” examined the relational dimensions of conflict and peacebuilding and proposed a comprehensive and sustainable approach to reintegration through a focus on relational justice. Kwaku previously coordinated the Training for Peace in Africa (TfP) programme at the KAIPTC. He teaches and facilitates a number of courses at the KAIPTC. Kwaku’s research interests involve Transitional and relational justice, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration in conventional and non-permissive contexts, political violence, human security, and election-related violence. He has published a number of scholarly papers on peacekeeping in Africa, indigenous conflict transformation strategies, and elections in Ghana.
- International Relations
- Gender and International Relations
- Research Methods
- Danso, Kwaku, ‘Peacekeeping in Darfur: Confronting one of the World’s Worst Political and Humanitarian Crises’, in E. Birikorang, T. Jaye & F. Okyere, (eds), Annual Review of Peace Support Operations in Africa (Accra: KAIPTC, 2016).
- Danso, Kwaku, Mending Broken Relations after Civil War: The ‘Palava Hut’ and the Prospects for Lasting Peace in Liberia, KAIPTC Policy Brief, 2/ May, 2016.
- Danso, Kwaku. Managing Election-Related Conflict and Violence for Democratic Stability in Ghana II, (Accra: KAIPTC, 2016) (Co-editor)
- Danso, Kwaku, ‘Conclusion: Culture and Conflict Managements: The Need for a Paradigm Shift’, in A. G. Adebayo, J. J. Benjamin & B. D. Lundy, (eds), Indigenous Conflict Management Strategies: Global Perspectives (Maryland: Lexington Books, 2014) (with Sen, D. & Meneses, N).

Dr. Fiifi Edu-Afful
Fiifi Edu-Afful (PhD) is a Research Fellow and Deputy Programme Head of Peace Support Operations (PSO) programme at the Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research (FAAR) of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Ghana. He holds a Ph.D. in Peace and Conflict Studies (2015), an MPhil in Development Studies and a BA in Political Science and Psychology from the University of Cape Coast and the University of Ghana respectively. He also holds a diploma in Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) from the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) Sanremo, Italy.
Prior to his current position at KAIPTC, he worked with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) as a tutor for the MA programme on Governance and Sustainable Development. His research interest includes international interventions, contemporary and emerging security issues, peacekeeping, peacebuilding, gender and election security. He is currently undertaking research on ECOWAS/UN Peacekeeping Exit Frameworks, Hybrid Security Mechanism and Sexual Violence Against Men and Boys. He also facilitates training modules on International Interventions, Rule of law, Protection of Civilians and Gender and Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Conflict and Post-conflict settings.
- Migration, Citizenship and Conflict course (MA).
- Youth and Conflict in Africa (MA).
- Edu-Afful, F., 2016. African Agency in R2P: Interventions by African Union and ECOWAS in Mali, Cote D'Ivoire, and Libya. International Studies Review. XVIII(1), pp. 120-133 (with Aning, K.).
- Edu-Afful, F., April - June 2016. Mission Watch Quarterly Brief, Volume II (with Birikorang, E., Nelson, S., Annan, N. & Aubyn, F. K.).
- Edu-Afful, F., 2015. An Assessment of Police Pre-Deployment Training: Ghana Study KAIPTC Occasional Paper, Issue 40 (with Aubyn, F., Allotey-Pappoe, S. & Nelson, S.).
- Edu-Afful, F., 2015. Peackeeping Economies in a Sub-Regional Context: The Paradigmatic Cases of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d'Ivoire. Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, IX(3), pp. 391-407 (with Aning, K.).

Prof. Kwaku Osei- Hwedie
Kwaku Osei-Hwedie is a Professor of Governance and Leadership, and Dean of Faculty of Academic Affairs and Research at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC), Accra, Ghana. Before joining the KAIPTC, he was the Dean of the School of Governance and Leadership, Ghana Institute of Management and Public and Administration (GIMPA). From 1991 – 2010. He has taught at the University of Botswana, Gaborone and the University of Zambia, Lusaka.
He received his BA, Summa Cum Laude with highest honours in Sociology and PhD. in Social Welfare from Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, USA; and Post Graduate Diploma in International Law from the University of Zambia, Lusaka. He has taught at Brandeis University; Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA, USA; St. Paul’s College, Lawrenceville, VA, USA; and Makerere University (Staff Exchange Program), Kampala, Uganda. He held the position of Deputy Director and Senior lecturer at the Commonwealth Youth Development Programme, Africa Regional Centre, Lusaka, Zambia from 1981 – 1983.
Currently, he supervises Masters and PhD students in Sociology and Social Work at the University of Ghana, Legon. In 2010, he was a member of the National Ministerial Committee to Investigate allegations of wrong doing at the Osu Children’s and Remand Homes, Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Southern African Institute of Public Policy Research.
He has authored and co-edited several academic works, including some 62 refereed Journal articles, 36 books and monographs, and 59 book chapters.
- Governance and Leadership in Africa (MA)
- Research Methods/ Writing Skills (PhD).
- Osei-Hwedie, K., 2012. Indigenous Conflict Resolution in Africa: The Case of Ghana and Botswana. In: B. Z. Osei-Hwedie, T. Galvin & H. Shinoda, eds. Indigenous Methods of Peacebuilding. Hiroshima: IPSHU, pp. 33-51 (with Rankopo, M.J.).
- Osei-Hwedie, K., 2012. Japan-Africa Relations: Applying the Asian Development Experience to Sub-Saharan Africa. New York: Cornell University Institute for African Development Occasional Paper Series, Issue 14 (with Osei-Hwedie, B.Z.).