The Strategic Objectives 2019-2023 of the Centre are to:
- To enhance the capacity of ECOWAS, AU, and their relevant structures to perform their mandates in ensuring peace and security in Africa.
- To ensure financial sustainability of the Centre.
- To build African capacity to fully implement the AU Protocol to the African Charter on the rights of women in Africa (Maputo Protocol) and the UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 and follow up resolutions on women, peace and security in the context of Africa.
- To ensure an efficient, effective and responsive governance and management system in the Centre.
- To strengthen collaboration with CSOs, Think Tanks and Private Sector in advancing policy dialogues and improvement in peace operations in Africa.
- To ensure the sustainability of the Centre’s Post-Graduate academic programmes and other knowledge generation initiatives in peace and security.
The Strategic Priorities of the Centre are to:
- Focus on the core mandate of training in peacekeeping and PSO.
- Ensure sustainability of academic programmes.
- Strengthen collaboration with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Think Tanks and the Private Sector.
- Ensure financial sustainability of the Centre
- Ensure a decentralised results-based management.